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Hay guys I am so sorry I have been supper sick the past few days and I have a lot of stuff going on at home but I have finally got the time and energy to make a new chapter.

It was the next day and me and Azula are waiting for Zuko and Iroh.

I see Zuko and Iroh make their way to the ship I look at Azula and she is smiling.I feel horrible for what I'm doing I always liked Zuko and Iroh they were always so kind to me...

Azula looks at Iroh and Zuko "Brother uncle welcome"

Me and Azula bow as Zuko and Iroh do the same. "I'm so glad you decided to come."

The captain looks at Azula "Are we ready to depart your highness?"

Azula smiles "Set our course for home captain."

The captain starts walking on to the ship "You heard the princess raise the anchors! We're taking the prisoners home!"

My eyes widen as the captain looks at Azula terrified "You're Highness I...."

Just as the captain says the Iroh starts attacking some of the crew members behind him.

Zuko looks at me and Azula "You both lied to me!!!"

Azula then turns around grabbing me hand "Like I've never done that before."

Zuko walks up behind us with fire in his hands as Azula smiles.I hear Iroh say "Zuko let's go!!!!"

Zuko starts fighting Azula as I back away from both of them.

Azula says "You know father blames uncle for the loss of the North Pole!!And he considers you a miserable failure for not finding the avatar!!Why would he want you back home except to lock you up where you can no longer embarrass him."

Zuko then attacks Azula and looks at me "I don't get why you would lie to me Nami I thought you were my friend but you changed!"

I look at him in shock I never thought he would say that but I knew he was right....

Zuko then continues fighting Azula.Azula knocks Zuko over and starts using her lightning bending and is about to hit Zuko with it but Iroh steps in and kicks Azula of the ship.Zuko and Iroh looks at me and then they run of the ship.

After they leave  leave we I help Azula get back on the ship.  

Sorry that was really short and rushed but I hope to right more for this book tomorrow.

The princess of the fire nation and a water tribe  girlWhere stories live. Discover now