Sokka Katara and the avatar!

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Hi guys here is the chapter I told you I was going to post today hope you like it!

Me Azula Mai  and Ty lee went to make the trade but when I saw the people that we are making the trade with my eyes widen.Even after all the years I haven't seen my siblings I could still recognize them both.I went behind Azula so that they won't see me Azula looked at me worried and then looked back at my siblings and a young boy.

I look over to see king bumi laughing "Hi everybody!"

Mai then says "You brought me my brother?"

The young boy looks at me and then back at Mai "He's here.We're ready to trade."

I see my brother holding Mai's younger brother Tom Tom.My brother sees me behind Azula and he notices my bracelet that my mother gave me long ago and his eyes widen in shock.

Azula then looked at Mai "I'm sorry but a thought just occurred to me.Do you mind?"

Mai then says "Of course not princess Azula."

Azula smiles "We're trading a two year old for a king?A powerful earth bending king!It just doesn't seem like a fair trade.Dose it?"

Mai looks at my siblings and the young boy "Your right.The deals of."

Mai sends king bumi back up as bumi yell "See you all later!"

The young boy then yells bumis name as he runs over to bumi Azula leaves my side and sends fire at the young boy.the boy then jump up in the air and then I remembered what Zuko told me that my brother and twin sister were traveling with the avatar.

Azula looks up at the boy in shock as she realizes it's the avatar.

Azula then runs after the boy.

Mai and Ty lee run after my sister as I feel a hand grab my wrist.I look at who grabbed my wrist and realized that it was sokka.

I hear my sister yell "Get Nami and the baby out of here!"

I look at sokka tears in my eyes he looks at my sister "Way ahead of ya!"

Ty lee then makes sokka fall and yells "What do you want with Nami and how do you know her name?!"

Mai started attacking katara and Ty lee holds my hand and run after sokka.

Katara makes Ty lee fall and Ty lee let's go of my hand.Sokka then holds out one of his hands for me to take and I do.

Ty lee looks at me in shock "Nami what are you doing!"

I look at her and yell as sokka starts taking me away from the fight "Tell Azula that I'm sorry!!"

Sokka takes me over to a flying bison and I look at it in shock I thought they were all gone!

Sokka looks at me and says with tears in his eyes "Nami I thought I would never see you again!"He then pulled me into a hug.

I smile hugging him back with tears in my eyes "I missed you so much sokka."

Me and sokka then got on the bison and I was told that his name was appa.Then we went to go help the avatar who's name was Aang.

We want back to we're Katara Mai and Ty lee were and I see Ty lee chi block her.

Sokka then hits Mai with his boomerang as he lands
appa and appa makes Ty lee and Mai both fall.

He helped Katara get back on appa and I look away.
I wasn't ready to talk or tell them anything right now.

We then go to save Aang.when Azula sees me her eyes widen in shock and then she fights Aang again.

We then save Aang as he looks at me "Your Nami right?"

I look at him "Yes I am I will tell you every thing you want to know when we get some we're safe..."

So that that chapter hoped you liked it.She finally got to see sokka and katara again!Don't worry she will be back with Azula soon I just wanted to give her some time to be with sokka and katara.

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