Im sorry....

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Hi guys I'm sorry it took me this long to post a new chapter but I have finally got the motivation to do it again so I hope you like it.

Me Sokka Katara and the avatar Aang were all flying on the bison appa yo get back to we're there camp it.
Tom Tom was giving my brother a hard time as I let out a small laugh.

"Here let me see him."I smile and hold my arms out as Sokka hands me him.

"Hi Tom Tom"I smile at him as he hugs me.

"Wait you know him?"Aang asks.

"Yes I do but as I said I will tell you how when we get to your camp."

I see katara look at me as I just smile a bit and look back at Tom Tom.


We finally land at camp as the general who runs the camp looks at me in shock.

"Why would you bring her here!"The man says as I just look away.

My siblings looked shocked as did the avatar.

"She's my sister."Katara says.

"The fire lords blood bending assassin is you sister!"

  Kataras eyes widen is shock as she looks at me.

"What is he talking about!"Sokka says as he looks at me.

"I told you I would tell you but when we're in privet...."I say as I look away.

Aang walks up to me as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"While you guys talk I can take Tom Tom back to his parents"I let Aang take Tom Tom as he walks away.


Me and my siblings all go to talk in privet.I sit down on a rock as do my siblings. 

"Nami what was he talking about?!"katara says.

"Ya why did he call you the fire lords blood bending assassin?"Sokka looks at me.

"Well when the fire nation took me they brought me to the fire nations royal palace and I met Lady Ursa.She took me in even if the fire lord didn't like it so when Lady Ursa disappeared I had to find a way to live or the fire lord would have killed me so I became his personal assassin."I explain to my siblings both looked at me in shock.

"What did he mean by blood bending?"My twin sister asks me.

"Blood bending is a sub bending to water bending it's when you control the blood in another persons body to control what they do."

"And you use that on people!!!"Katara gets up from the rock she was siting on.

"Look I'm sorry but I had no other choice I did what I had to do to live!"I looked at her and her eyes widen in shock.

Sokka then steps in "Katara let's calm down we don't know what she's been threw.."

I hear foot steps and look over to see Aang walking over to us as he sits down by me.

"Nami can I ask you a question..?"

"Um ya what is it"I say as I look at Aang.

"Are you really dating that princess we saw today...?"

My eyes widen in shock as I almost fall of the rock I was siting on.

"H-How do you know that...?!"

"So what Aang saying is true!"katara looks at me in shock.

I look at the ground as I speak "Yes he's right I am dating Azula...."


The princess of the fire nation and a water tribe  girlWhere stories live. Discover now