Chapter Five: What's Wrong Mituna?

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The next day, Coeran saw Mituna was on Trollian for the first time in weeks. Of course, she starts trolling him.

-deadlyHunter [DH] begins trolling temerityAberration [TA]-

DH: Mituna! It's b33n so long sinc3 you'v3 b33n on!!! What's b33n happ3ning?

TA: N07H1NG MUCH 4PP4R3N7LY 7H3R3 W45 50M3 4CC1D3N7 1 W45 1N BU7 1 D0N'7 R3M3M83R 4NY 0F 17

DH: R3ally? Could it hav3 b33n about that imp3nding doom you tried to warn m3 about?

TA: 1 D0N7 KN0W M4YB33?

DH: W3ll, I can h3lp inv3stigat3 if you want.

TA: 7H4NK5 C03R4N!

DH: You'r3 w3lcom3 Mituna.

DH: If you don't mind t3lling m3, do you r3m3mb3r anything from right b3for3 or aft3r th3 incid3nt?

TA: W3LL KURL0Z W457H 7H3R3 L47UL4 8R0UGH7 M3 7W0 H3R H1V3 50M371M3 4F73R

DH: Ok, I'll go ask Kurloz about it and hope he answ3rs.

TA: H3 PR0BLY W0N7 H3 53WD H15 M0UH7H

DH: Wh3n'd h3 do that?

TA: 1 D0N7 N0 50M371MM3 B3F0R3

DH: Hmm, can you r3r3ad your logs with him to s33 if you can find out.

TA: 1 D0N7 N0 H0W 7W0 R3R34D 7H3 L0G75

DH: That's ok! Mayb3 I can g3t a fri3nd of min3 "two" h3lp you out.

TA: H4H4H4H4 TW0 J0K3 H1F1V3!

DH: H3h3, I kn3w you'd appr3ciat3 that.

DH: I'll bring him com3 ov3r and h3lp you out lat3r, ok?

TA: 0K

-deadlyHunter [DH] ceases trolling temerityAberration [TA]-

This is th3 b3st opportunity to introduc3 th3 Captor danc3stors to 3ach oth3r. I wond3r how w3ll th3y'll g3t along.

A/N: I'm sorry, it's kinda short but it's an update. Bee happy!! Eheh. I'm gonna do a longer update sometime soon, I hope.

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