Halfmeowbeastmom turned and stared at Coeran, and blinked a few times in disbelief. The lusus walks over and asks, "Coeran, is that you?"
"Y3ah. How ar3 you h3r3? I thought you di3d!"
"Died? My dear I never died. The question is how are you here when you're also over there?"
"That adult troll is me? But I'm me. I was at home and you were dead then I use a transportalizer that I found and came here."
"Hmm, I'm very curious now. When do you think I died?"
"During my 5th sweep."
"Well, I've watched you grow to 9 sweeps."
"But I'm only 7!"
"This labyrinth has been on Beforus for many sweeps."
"Beforus? I was just on Alternia."
"Maybe other you knows."
We walk to adult me. When we ask about it she doesn't understand how it happened and appears just as confused as me.
"H3h3h3 mayb3 I should b3 a h3ro of tim3 inst3ad!"
"Wait, you play Sgrub?"
"W3ll, duh! It's a gam3 a fri3nd of min3 mad3."
"Som3 kids h3r3 play it, mayb3 you should m33t th3m!"
"Good id3a, mayb3 I'll find gallantChampion!!!"
Coeran's lusus finds it a good time to jump in and say, "Just come back before morning!"
"All right halfm3owb3astmom! I'll s33 you lat3r!"
With that young Coeran goes to meet Beforan trolls. It doesn't take her long to reach a town between forest and the sea. There she sees two trolls on four wheel devices. One looks similar to Terezi with longer hair and the other looks like a longer-haired Sollux, seriously, his hair's all in his face. The Terezi look-alike notices Coeran and comes over.
"h3y 1 h4v3n't s33n you 4round b3for3! you n3w?"
"You could say that."
"5up. 11'm M11tuna and th115 115 Latula."
"I'm Co3ran, Co3ran B3lis3."
"4 fr13nd of ours h4s th4t l4st n4m3!"
Before they can continue talking, a troll wearing a candy red turtle neck, who looks a lot like Karkat, stands on a crate. He clears his throat and starts speaking. "Hell9 6ef9ran tr9lls! I am Kankri Vantas and I want t9 talk t9 y9u a69ut rights. Every tr9ll 9n the hem9spectrum has equal inaliena6le rights. 6ut what a69ut tr9lls that aren't 9n this hem9spectrum? I f9r 9ne am n9t a part 9f this hem9spectrum. I d9n't have any 9f these rights. I was culled up9n my wriggling day simply f9r my 6l99d. I never had the chance t9 have any rights and I never did anything that w9uld result in culling. I'm just like any 9f y9u, 6ut my 6l99d is 9f a stange hue. I w9uld like t9 suggest that perhaps, pe9ple sh9uld 9nly 6e culled if they 6reak the rules, are a danger t9 themselves 9r t9 9thers, 9r request assistance f9r their 9wn sake. Thank y9u f9r st9pping t9 listen, please sign the petiti9n 9ver here. #TW 6l99d #TW Hem9spectrum #TW Change"
Latula and Mituna walk over to Kankri, Coeran follows behind.
"k4nkl3s! you took my 4dvic3 4nd short3n3d 1t up!"
"I did want t9 keep the attenti9n as l9ng as p9ssi6le." He pauses and notices Coeran. "Wh9's this Felina l99k-alike?"
"I'm Co3ran, Co3ran B3lis3."
"Y9u share a last name."
Coeran looks at him for a second and realizes he looks just like celebateGuileless' Sgrub character before noticing the similarities of Latula to gallantChampion and Mituna to temerityAberration.
"Yeah I'v3 b33n told... Do any of you happen to play Sgrub?"
"y34h why?"
"I play too! I'm d3adlyHunt3r!"
"r4d1c4l! 1'm g4ll4ntCh4mp1on!"
"And 11'm temer11tyAberrat11on!"
"I'm celebateGuileless."
"So w3 all m3t onlin3 alr3ady. You look just lik3 your charact3rs do!"
"so do you! th4t's why you f3lt so f4m1l14r!"
We talk until the moons start to set on the horizon.
"Damn, it s33ms I should b3 g3tting back to my hiv3 b3for3 my lusus g3ts mad. See ya tomorrow?"
"5ee ya!'
"G99d6ye C9eran."
Coeran returns to the hive before the sun rises. "W3ll big m3, I'm gonna com3 by 3v3ry day so I can hang out with my n3w fri3nds."
"Ok lil m3."
Coeran goes home and sleeps through the day, tired after the night of fun.
A/N Trolls are nocturnal, in case you forgot.
Safe Haven
FanfikceI've found a place that looks like home but, it's different. There isn't blood or hunger everywhere. It's actually peaceful... I like it a lot better. I'm from Alternia and let's face it, everyone gets killed there eventually. They call this place B...