A/N: Tada!!! An update. Time for Coeran to introduce the famously moody Gemini to each other! Wait and see how this goes!
--deadlyHunter [DH] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA]--
DH: H3y Sollux!
TA: 2up Coeran
DH: I n33d your h3lp. A fri3nd of min3 n33ds you to fix his comput3r.
TA: Who'2 computer
DH: You hav3n't m3t him. H3 lik3s twos lik3 you and his nam3 is Mituna Captor.
TA: 2o when can II meet hiim
DH: Can I bring you to his hiv3?
TA: 2ure
DH: Thanks!
TA: You're welcome DH
--deadlyHunter [DH] ceased trolling twinArmageddons [TA]--
Looks like he was in a coop3rativ3 mood, Coeran thought as she walked out of her Alternian hive to wait for her hacker friend. There he is, flying over on the horizon. He travels pretty fast when flying with his psionics.
"Sollux! Land and I can show you th3 way!"
"Ok DH."
She started walking toward her hive. "DH, II thought you 2aiid II'm helpiing 2omeone named Miituna."
"You ar3." She said as she continued into her cave. "Th3r3's a way through my hiv3."
"Lead on then."
She led him to the transportalizer. "B3for3 w3 go, I should t3ll you, h3 do3sn't liv3 on Alt3rnia. H3 liv3s on a plan3t call3d B3forus. I can assur3 you that nobody will attack you, just don't m3ntion lif3 on Alt3rnia b3caus3 it's r3ally diff3r3nt than h3r3."
"Why am II ju2t fiindiing thii2 out now?"
"I don't know to b3 hon3st."
"II'm 2tiill goiing two help Miituna. II want two meet hiim."
"Good, that's what I was hoping for."
They step on the transportalizer and Sollux finds himself very confused. "IIt diidn't work."
"Y3ah it did, follow m3."
He followed her to the main part of her hive where he saw halfmeowbeastmom and adult Coeran, but he didn't know this. "H3y big m3, halfm3owb3astmom."
"H3y lil me."
"H3llo Co3ran. Who's your fri3nd?"
"This is Sollux, h3's on3 of my Alt3rnian fri3nds."
"So, ar3 you gonna introduc3 him to your B3foran fri3nds?"
"Yeah, big m3, h3's Mituna's danc3stor."
"It's a d3sc3nd3nt and anc3stor rolled into on3. Long story."
"Ok DH, II'm ju2t goiing two tru2t you."
"Anyway, that's adult m3 and my now living lusus. L3t's go bring you to Mituna b3for3 h3 accid3ntally blows his hiv3 up."
She has him carry them with his psionics, shortening the trek. "Thii2 look2 liik3 my hiiv3."
"That's a story I'll 3xplain lat3r."
They walk in and Coeran leads Sollux to Mituna's respite block.
"Mituna, this is Sollux. H3's th3 fri3nd who I ask3d to fix your husktop."
"What'2 wrong wiith iit?"
"1 C4N7 533 MY L0G5."
"Let me 2ee why."
Sollux sits at the husktop and starts typing away.
"1 H4VN7 533N YU0 B3F0R 50LLUX. WH3R3 4R3 Y0U FR0M?"
"Far away, not far from DH a2 a matter of fact."
"II ju2t fiixed iit. Now you'll bee able to read your log2."
"7H4NK5 50LLUX!"
"You're welcome Miituna."
Aww, th3y'r3 g3tting along p3rf3ctly. I hop3 it go3s this way with all of th3m.
Safe Haven
FanfictionI've found a place that looks like home but, it's different. There isn't blood or hunger everywhere. It's actually peaceful... I like it a lot better. I'm from Alternia and let's face it, everyone gets killed there eventually. They call this place B...