Why we failed- Part 4 High Noon of the first day

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Why we failed one-hundred years ago

Part 4

High Noon of the first day

The carriage was loaded with an assortment of goods hauled down from Zelda's quarters - a task that had consumed the better part of ten minutes for Link. Not that he minded, his whole life had been devoted to busying himself with duties, so what did an extra ten minutes matter. Besides, today would not be like any other and if he could do anything to distract from the nervous rumbling in his belly, all the better. They were now ready to embark.

"I only need but a moment before we depart. It won't take long, I promise," Zelda said, her fingers pinching the air for him to 'wait'. She quickly strolled over to another who was rushing down a flight of the castle's stone steps leading into the bustling courtyard. Along came Adeline, Zelda's good friend and handmaiden.

"Here you are, Princess, as per your request. I hope it's to your liking." the lady greeted, handing Zelda a folded-up gift, wrapped in delicate, velvet tissue paper. The girl's smile radiated enthusiasm, giddy for the princess's excursion.

"Thanks! It's perfect!" Zelda hopped.

While Link was busily securing the last of their supplies in the back of the carriage, he couldn't help but catch fleeting glimpses at the excitable princess from the corner of his eye. Her infectious enthusiasm had left him mildly perplexed. The task of maneuvering the sizable crates from one wagon to the next, earlier that morning under the command of a handful of soldiers, had been a physically demanding endeavor. However, her vivacious spirit seemed to counterbalance the day's strenuous activities, leaving a mystifying air of exhilaration in its wake.

Also, The subsequent discussion between Zelda and Adeline, took place out of earshot, but their soft giggles and giddy smiles perked his ears as he worked, and when he looked over, he saw them both stealing glances at him only to look away conspiratorially when he did. Their chirps struck a nerve of nervousness within him it but also piqued his curiosity. With the loading done he cleared his throat and decided to voice his queries, stepping up beside them, ready to depart.

"Pardon my interruption, your highness but I've been wondering about the cargo we loaded onto the festival wagons," Link asked, drawing Zelda's attention back to him. "That massive one covered with a tarp... What is it? It's huge."

Zelda's eyes brightened as she realized she'd left Link unattended to for quite some time and that the loading had been long done. An unexpected blush dusted her cheeks as she felt embarrassed for having him wait. Not to mention, the excitement for her tour of town was a rare treat indeed. Not every day was she afforded an opportunity to go on such an exciting venture. At least, not without having to be surrounded by a small army, unable visit her denizens freely, that is. Today was different though. Today she had a plan. Today she would be escorted by a soldier who was around her age and not some old grumpy goat who had the personality of a wet mop.

"Actually, I was going to ask you the same question," she admitted, regaining her composure. "I'm unsure about it myself. My uncle had this one delivered special. It's a gift, he says. For my birthday and for the coming celebration. Though truth be told, they are being quite secretive about it."

Realizing that Link had no idea who she was referring to, her face lit up and she explained. "Purah and my uncle, that is."

Link still had no idea who she was referring too so she had to clarify further. "Purah is a lady of my court and one of my closest friends. And my uncle, well, I'm sure you've heard tales of him before, Prince Arcturus?"

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