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idea from this tumblr post, link:

word count: 909


after spending almost four months away from his fiancé, josh was finally going home. the business trip went well, but he wanted nothing more than to go home to see his fiancé the whole time.

after getting through all the security checks at the airport, it was finally time to see his love. tyler stood there holding up a little sign that read 'welcome home joshua!' and josh couldn't help but breaking into the huge smile that tugged at his lips. he quickly got to the bottom of the escalator before running the rest of the way over to tyler, both men embracing each other tightly.

"i missed you so much" josh whispered into the crook of tyler's neck. tyler squeezed him tighter, shaking his head.

"i missed you more, baby" they stayed there for a few more minutes, sharing a few kisses, before finally pulling away and making their way out to the car. they loaded all of josh's luggage into the trunk before getting in and leaving the airport.

tyler asked all about josh's trip, the latter explaining everything rather quickly as it was mostly boring meetings. they decided to go out for dinner before heading home, so they made some more small talk about what tyler did over the last few months, before finding a nice restaurant and going in.

it was all going well, the restaurant was nice and their dinner was amazing. they talked and laughed and just enjoyed each other's company after missing it for so long. but unfortunately this didn't last.

they drove home and parked up quickly, both desperate to be with the other more intimately. slamming the door closed behind them they were instantly pushed up against the wall kissing feverishly. hands roaming wherever they could reach, grabbing and pulling at clothing to come off.

they managed to stumble from the hallway and into their bedroom continuing to make out, only pulling away slightly for air. josh pulled away to look at tyler, when something on the floor caught his eye.

he suddenly pushed his fiancé away, picking up the item that had been left discarded. it was a bra, something josh knew for a fact that neither he or tyler owned.

he turned back to tyler, item in hand, and gave him a questioning look. tyler looked terrified for a second, like he'd been caught.

"who's the fuck is this?"

"it's nobody's, baby. it's probably just my sisters or something, she stopped by when you-"

"stop tyler, don't lie to me" the room was dead silent, both men staring at the other with blank looks on their faces.

"well, was it worth it?" josh threw the item back on the floor.

"no of course not, my love" he said stepping closer, but josh cut him off.

"stay back, and don't fucking call me that" tears began to fill josh's eyes, the realisation that this is happening hitting him. "i fucking hate you"

"no you don't, take that back right now" tyler's face contorted into one of anger, which made josh mad, because why should tyler get to feel angry in this situation?

"i trusted you with my life! god, i was gonna marry you, tyler!" josh was seething at this point.

"well, i'm sorry but you're clearly very gullible!" tyler screamed, josh's heart broke even more in that moment.

they were both breathing heavily, pants filling the room. josh stared at tyler who was now looking away, not bearing to make eye contact.

"you've given me so many reasons to walk away, yet i stayed every time-"

"then why don't you walk away? it's not like i'm keeping you hostage here" josh froze at that, just staring into tyler's now watery eyes.

"you still don't get it, do you? it's because i love you" josh let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head at himself. "even after the first time this happened i stayed, because you said that you would change"

"that was so long ago! and i have changed, baby please just let me make it up to you" tyler had stepped right in front of josh, his hand resting on his cheek. they both stared with tear filled eyes, josh unable to stop the few that fell.

"i want to believe you, but i don't know if i can this time. it's gone too far, ty" he reached up removing tyler's hand from his face.

"i fell in love, so hard, and so fast, but a part of me knew it wasn't going to last. i should've trusted my gut" josh walked over to the closet, opening it and grabbing all his clothes.

tyler realised what was happening, not believing that josh would do it at first. he was leaving him. tears began pouring down his face, he knew he really messed up this time. there was no more second chances.

josh quickly shoved all his clothes into a suitcase, then grabbing more of his things from around the room and filling up his backpack. once he'd grabbed most essential things he turned toward tyler again.

"i'll come back tomorrow to get the rest of my things, thanks for everything" he looked at the ring around his finger, twisting it a little before pulling it off and placing it on the bedside table.

"don't be here tomorrow, i don't want to see you" tyler looked up at josh one more time, nodding reluctantly before watching him leave.



sorry this is kinda sad, but i wanted to try and write something more angsty than i usually do. this is my attempt i guess? hope it's alright (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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