advice from a player‧₊˚✧

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the pub was dimly lit and fairly full. damon stared off at the entry door from the backstage. he bit his lip and took in the moment. average mall music was playing on the speakers, a few people had shown up, they were drinking and chatting.

he looked at the situation behind him, the backstage area. dave was sat with his girlfriend, they looked like the typical lovey dovey couple. alex was taking a drag and graham seemed awfully quiet.

damon sighed and went back to peeking his head out from the backstage area. he slowly nodded his head to the music while looking around and that's when he spotted you walking in.

a smirk formed on his face, he knew you would show up. you were looking for him too and you spotted him when he waved at you and motioned for you to come to him.

you smiled and did so. you opened the curtain to the back area and stepped in. all eyes were on you now. you couldn't help but notice graham first. he locked eyes with you then looked away, he started biting his nails out of nervous ness but before you could talk to him,

"I'll go get drinks for you, darling." damon stood close to you.

you nodded in response.

"gra, come with me." he said. damon didn't want him to be near you.

"huh?" graham was fazed.

"i am going to need help to carry the drinks, i'm buying for every one of us." he informed graham. he stood up and slowly but surely followed behind his mate.

you were left all alone, you didn't know these people. this was a place full of strangers, new stories, memories and potential friends. alex stood there with a smile on his face and a cigarette in his hand, he looked like he wanted to offer you one. you could go talk to him but something felt off about him.

"hello!" you greeted dave instead and sat down.

he looked at you, "hello! we've never met but i'm called dave and this my girlfriend crystal." he said and the blonde girl sat next to him gave you a welcoming smile.

you felt an instant platonic connection with her, she seemed drunk out of her mind but very interesting. to your luck, dave left to talk to alex about their gig. you got time alone with crystal.

you took a seat next to her, "hello, crystal." you said.

"did you kno- that dolphins are the horniest animals like those fuckers will shag anything-" this was her opening line. you couldn't help but laugh.

"they're just like me." you added on a joke to her animal fact. she laughed with you.

crystal was a fun and entertaining drunk. she told you many crazy stories about her life in those 10 minutes. you were intrigued by her and felt like you had made a best friend in this unknown setting.

"i read somewhere- magazine i think that men who are good dancers are good in bed too." crystal gave you this information as the boys walked back in with drinks in their hands.

they handed all the drinks to everyone and took a seat.

"come here." damon said to you.

"you- can sit next to- me if you want, you know-" graham said at the same time.

they shared the same look full of fire and disagreement. it took you back to the first night you met these too.

"no I'd rather sit with crystal." you said and she rested her head on your shoulders.

"why?" damon asked.

you scoffed in response, "because damon- I'm going to steal her from dave."

damon let out a slight chuckle in response while taking sips from his drink but it was all cut short as alex and dave informed the band, "we are on now, we'll drink later. we've got to perform now."

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