fighting over her‧₊˚✧

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(3 months later)

crystal made eye contact with the telephone sat in front of her. crystal's mind went over how she had met y/n is such a sweet, conincidental way but no one knew all the damage y/n would cause one day. she rested her head on the table and still gazed at the telephone with hopeful eyes.

it had been exactly 3 months since you had left without a warning. that's why you were on crystal's mind that day.

crystal always wanted to see you with damon, she tried to make the magic happen but alex got in the way then damon got in the way then y/n herself became an obstacle along with graham. maybe it wasn't meant to but crytal needed answers.

her love towards you was strong when you were her best friend so her hate towards you was strong as well when you left everyone.

she slowly picked up the handset and put it against her ear while pressing the buttons in a order that made up for your phone number. crystal still remembered it after this many months. her heartbeats sank with the little beeps before you picked up being blissfully unaware, "hello?" crystal heard from the other end.

"come to my flat right now. " she said in a stern tone. you recognized her voice.

"i don't want to. i am passed all this-" you went to hang up crystal said something that alarmed you.

"i- i'm dying. come and visit me right now, please. " she said.



crystal regained her compusture as she heard the door bell of her flat buzzing. she quickly walked over the door to open it, she was well prepared for this and then her eyes met with you just stood there. you looked quite unrecognizable, you had a different haircut and your color pallete in terms of clothes had gone faded compared to all the colorful and mesh dresses you used to wear before.

the atmosphere grew a bit awkward and full of intensity as crystal said nothing and had you follow her to the sofa. she sat herself down but you didn't sit with her, you stood by her with a face full of concern.

"what happened to you?" you asked.

"what happened to YOU? you fucked up everything y/n." she seemed frustrated. she was letting out the anger she had repressed towards you for so long.

"no but- i was asking is there a medical condition? you said you were dying. " you were clueless.

she panicked a bit, "erm- i am not dying. maybe i lied to get you here, you wouldn't have come any other way. "

you scoffed in disbelief, "oh god crystal, that's horrible! "

she stood up to be on your level, "what you did was horrible actually, you fucking ran away  like a coward and you never returned my calls! god, fucking hell! forget damon and graham, what about me? you didn't even keep in touch with me! i wouldn't have judged you, you know but i reckon our friendship meant nothing to you. i need an explanation for all that, y/n. that's why i invited you here." she let her emotions unfold in front of you.

"you must've spend all these days hating me. fair enough, but you're right, you need an explanation in fact you deserve one. " you put your hand over crystal's shoulder and sat her down.

"i left because i knew of the pain i had caused everyone, i didn't want to cause more of it and by everyone i mean you too, i didn't want you hurt you and disappoint you anymore either that's why i didn't keep it touch with you. i had left this world fully, it was all behind me and that's exactly the reason why i didn't want to visit you. " you admitted and sat down next to her.

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