roses and rain‧₊˚✧

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(a/n: i'm actually having so much fun writing this book, i hope you people are having fun reading it!! also yes I did change the names of the previous chapter and this one, if you read carefully you'll understand why and the overall meaning of it ;))


it had turned night time, damon hadn't returned and the band was done with their practice so everyone thought it was fair to go to a club downtown, everyone except craig went. he stayed back and waited for damon.

alex was tensed, dave was level headed and graham was planning to let go tonight. damon was still missing and he still had feelings for y/n. everything was going downhill, it was a matter of concern but on this particular day graham wanted an escape from all this and pretend like chaos wasnt unfolding around him.

meanwhile, you were dancing on the dance floor with crystal. graham admired you as you danced while drinking but alex interrupted his sweet time. he stood next to him with something on his mind.

"you want to shag her or what?" and now it was on his lips.

graham looked at his mate with disbelief written on his face, "what the fuck? what- are you even on about?"

alex folded his arms and looked at you on the dance floor, "she's bad for you."

"what-" graham was confused.

"stop talking to her." alex said firmly.

graham let out a sigh of annoyance, "why do you care?"

alex threw his head back and laughed loudly, "you could become her anything. boyfriend, husband, sex slave I wouldn't give a toss. look as your mate I just want to warn you. she's a devil." he stated.

graham looked his friend in the eye.

"you'll get all sappy and emotional over her while she- she just has you as her side piece. she'll stomp on your heart, she'll chew on you and spit you out like you're garbage." alex continued speaking.

graham was giving this a thought. alex had been acting strange lately maybe he knew something about y/n that no one else did, he theorized or rather did some overthinking.

"everyone knows she is going to choose damon over you so why waste your time?" alex had hit the nail on the coffin.

graham's paranoia of their friendship breaking and damon getting with y/n got a 'confirmation.'

alex smirked and took a drag, he could see that he had converted graham's feelings. maybe his plan wasn't much of a failure after all. he could make a comeback.

then you approached the boys abruptly, you put your arm around graham's shoulder aggressively and gave him a smile, he smiled back.

"hello princess pop." you greeted him.

graham let out a flustered chuckle, "what are you on? can't be alcohol-"

you laughed out loud, "i'm high off your beauty darling, you've- you've got really sexy and neat elbows." you winked at him.

graham let out a genuine laugh. he had already forgotten about alex's bitter words, your company was uplifting him.

"but also yeah one of crystal's friend gave me something funky to smoke. it made me feel funky because it was funky you know." you continued to speak.

"oh god, you're actually erm- hig-" you put your hand over his mouth before graham could finish his sentence.

"why are answering back? you've been a bad boy, i need to take you home and punish you." you bit your lip.

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