Episode 34

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When I wake up, the room is bathed in morning light. With sleepy eyes, I try to contort myself in bed to retrieve my phone and check the time. But my groggy body is unable to move, my legs tangled in the sheets and my back pressed against a warm body. I catch my breath and analyze my surroundings, trying to recognize the breath cascading down my neck.

It's Jayden.

His arms are wrapped around my stomach and I can feel his morning arousal pressing against my bare buttocks.

I slept with Jayden.

I close my eyes and breathe out the compressed air in my chest. I try to discern if anyone in the house is awake and ready to catch us in bed. Not a sound, except for my fragmented breathing.

"You're thinking too much," Jayden's voice startles me, and his arms tighten around my aching body.

"What time is it?" I ask, alarmed.

"Time for bed," he mumbles.

"Jayden, our parents are in the room down the hall," I squeak.

"That's why I should have gagged you last night," he smothers his laughter into my neck, and I unintentionally intensify his spasms by sinking my elbow into his chest.

"Yesterday," I repeat. "Yesterday was..."

"I know," he replies, unaware of what I am about to say. A terrible mistake? A monumental mistake? An unforgivable mistake?

It was inevitable.

It was beyond what I could have imagined.

It was Jayden, gentle, tender, charming. Absolutely captivating.

And I fell.

"You have to get out of here," I whisper, a little panicked by what is happening.

"I know," he answers.

"Before our parents wake up and..."

"I know."

He sighs and pulls away from my back in a swirl of icy air. I turn to him and find him staring at the ceiling with a blank expression. His nose is upturned, his lips full, his jaw square. I analyze every square inch of his face, trying to remember when he became so important to me. His eyes meet mine without a spark. At least the spark that shone in the darkness, the one that looked at me, adored me, cherished me yesterday, is gone. Seeing him like this, I know that what we had last night is about to end the same way, and my heart constricts.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks.

About you. About us. About what I feel. About how much I want what we've found to never fade. About how much I want to be with you, next to you, kissed, loved.

"About nothing," I lie.

He studies me for a moment before smiling and getting up. He leaves the bed, leaving me in a cocoon that yesterday was warm and comforting, but now is as lonely as my heart. I let my eyes linger on his naked body, on his lower back and his pert buttocks. Before I can enjoy him any longer, he pulls on his sweatpants and covers himself. He's about to walk out the door when he turns to me one last time.

"I'm not running away," he whispers. "This time we're really going to have it, this conversation."

He pauses, then adds:

"About what's between us."

And he disappears like a gust of wind, quiet and cold.


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