Part 11: Strawberry pastries

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I woke up, blinded by the light coming in from my bedroom window. I squinted, feeling around for the blinds. I tried to sit up, only to realize I was held down. Jakes arm was wrapped around my waist. I looked around, taking in the situation.

Jakes arm was under my neck, and the other wrapped around my waist. My head had been nestled against his chest and my body curled up in the fetal position all night. I look at his face. The usually tired, aged, look on his face was softened into an angelic, childlike expression. How could someone look this good while sleeping?? I set my head back down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. His breath lightly tickling my face. I looked back up at him to see he had opened his eyes, and there was a big grin on his face. "Morning princess." He said. I jerked up, mortified that I had been so vulnerable. Here I am, looking like a complete and utter child. How silly of me. I crawled over him and got out of bed. He turned around in confusion. "Hey, what's the matter?" he asked. "Nothing." I huffed as I put on a pair of pants.
I turned around and he was getting up out of bed. He took my hand and knelt down on the ground. "Hey if there's something I did or said or.. anything that made you uncomfortable, tell me ok?" he looked up at me. His eyes were so innocent and pure. His eyes were usually a dark, harsh brown but are now a warm, chocolate shade.
I sighed, and smiled slightly. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"Ok.. then why do you seem mad?"
"I'm not mad.. I..I just.." he waited patiently.
"I just don't know how to process things."
He relaxed slightly. "Ok. That's fine. You take as much time as you need."
I smiled. "Thank you."
"Anything for you." he looked at me, a serious expression on his face."
My heart melted. I've never had someone treat me like this, he's absolutely wonderful.. so why am I so afraid?
I shook those thoughts out of my head and focused on the next thing: getting a job.

Jake went out to make breakfast and I finished getting ready. I paired blue jeans with a Metallica T-shirt and a pair of Converse. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed my wallet, gum, and bottle of water. I looked over at my phone and grabbed it, but as I was putting it in my backpack I noticed my notifications were blowing up. My family.
I sat down on my bed. Staring at the screen. I should tell them I'm not coming back. That I'm ok.
I began typing.

Dear mom, dad, Cassie, Jimmy, Claire, and Lucas.
I will not be coming home. I am ok, I am safe, and I am happy. Don't come looking for me, don't file a police report, and most of all, don't worry. I am simply running away. Leave me alone and let me live the life I want to live. I love you.


I suppose I should have teared up while making that, but I didn't. Whatever remorse or feelings I had for my family is long gone now. I'm starting a new chapter of my life, and they don't belong in it. I sent the text in the family group chat and then blocked all of them. I signed out of my previous social media accounts and started fresh on everything. No more Jessica Brown. I now go by Jess.

I packed my phone and my charger in my bag and zipped it up. I walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen where I set my bag down on the bar. Jake was cooking something. His arm stirred something in a bowl, then flipped something in a pan, and then opened the oven and pulled something out on a sheet. I noticed his sleeve was rolled up, exposing his arm which was was veiny and muscular. It gave me a funny, but good feeling. Whatever he was cooking smelled sweet, and savory, and there was another smell that was more salty and intense. "Whatcha cookin?" I asked. "It's a surprise." He turned and smiled at me. He was cooking something in the frying pan but I couldn't see what. "Nuh uh. No peeking." he said. "Here," he walked over with something behind his back. "Close your eyes." He said. "What is it?" "Just close your eyes." he said in a demanding but soft voice. That gave my stomach butterflies.
I closed my eyes and he put his hand over them for good measure. "Open your mouth." I opened my mouth and he put some kind of pastry in. I bit down as he uncovered my eyes and I tasted the warm, sweet, filling the pastry had. My eyes opened wide as I chewed. "Strawberries!" I exclaimed. "Spot on!" he said. "Wow.. this is.. delicious!" I said in between bites. "Thank you. It's my moms secret recipe. She taught me it before she left." he smiled, but i could see the sorrow in his face. He looked at me, clearing the facial expression with a new one. He walks up to me, looking down. My heart beats faster and faster. He leaned on the bar, arms crossed, grinning at me. He started to lean in, our faces inching closer. Then we heard footsteps scuffing against the floor and he turned around and leaned on the bar. It was Abby. Her hair was in a messy bun. Wisps of hair went in different directions. Her eyes looked tired, they were red and she had dark circles. She was in a blue bathrobe and monkey slippers. She must be hungover because usually she's very pulled together in the morning. She then stopped in her steps and looked up from whatever sleepy trance she had. She looked at me, then Jake, then me, Then Jake again. "What are you two up to." She said with a suspicious look. She shot a glance at Jake.
"Oh well I was just making breakfast and I let Jessica try some of my strawberry pastries."
She looked at me for conformation and I paused before realizing and nodding. She looked at Jake again and then continued walking to the fridge where she then grabbed a jug of milk and started making herself cereal. Me and Jake just watched her. The room dead silent except for her. She turned around and looked at Jake. She then pointed at whatever was cooking in the pan and said "Your shits burning." He got up and scurried to the pan and Abby walked past me on her way to her room "What a dingus." she whispered to me. I rolled my eyes at her.

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