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Ezra in the mm


"Kenya girl hold up." I tried to catch up with her after our class because I didn't get the chance to talk to her the day of her walking out of the room

"Hey Chas what you need." She said texting away at her phone before giving me her attention

"I just wanted to check on you because you stormed out the room and didn't get the chance to check on you."

"I'm okay just trying to get my grades together so my dad doesn't be on my ass."

"Okay Miya told me you were taking what I told you guys a little hard." I said "Just know I don't want you feeling like you weren't there I didn't let anybody know what I was going through."

"You're my best friend I don't like to see you hurt but we going somewhere this weekend so see you thennn." She stretched out before walking in the direction of her class

"You know your friend fine." I heard a familiar voiced making me smile and turn it around

"Baby brother!" I ran and hugged him tightly

"Big sis, wassam wit' it." He said rubbing over his hair once we let go making me hit him

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming."

"Because I know you and you would've told me to not come and you're good lying ass not good and I gotta see that shit with my own eyes."

"You not grown." I said mushing him

"Girls on my campus thinks so." Making me raise an eye at him and grab him by the ear

"You better be strapping your little peepee up and not getting these little girls pregnant." I said through the grit of my teeth while he winced in pain and move out my grip

"Damn Chas chill." He said as he rubbed his ear "I'm always careful dad taught me better strong ass."

"Yea that's why it's six of us." I said sarcastically and laughed "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked as we walked in the direction of my next class

"I told you to make sure everything was aight with you and to actually to talk to mom about and dad about something so I'm head back home actually." He said whenever he did that it was something he didn't want to talk about until it was official so I knew better than to ask

"Well I am okay as you can see." I did a full 360 spin

"I could feel something off but Ima let you come to me. Your friend though." He smirked

"She's dealing with somebody right now." I said making him wave me off at my words

"She gone be mine mark my words. I'll catch you later sis." He hugged me tightly before leaving

Sitting in my psychology class I tapped my pinned against the desk as my professor talked about assignments that were due for next week.

"Okay, class so today we will be having a friendly conversation or debate which ever you prefer to call it." Mr. Payne explained and wrote on the white board 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐓𝐘!  Then clapped his hands together

"Today we will discuss gender roles and how people opinions on this subject is looked differently by someone else. Anybody willing to go first?" He looked around the classroom before this girl name Chyna decided to talk

"Well from my surroundings I feel like both males and females have set roles in the household." She shrugged her shoulders making me shake my head at her response to the question

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