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Nasir in the picture above [NAH-SEER]

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Nasir in the picture above [NAH-SEER]


"Yo ole punk ass back." I heard one of my close friends Nasir come up to my table I was sitting at

Chuckling before dapping him up "Wussup Nas." I called him his nickname

"Nigga you didn't even tell me yo ass was finna dip over the weekend, had Sierra at the frat house wildin." He shook his head at the memory

"It was last minute and I dont even know why she doing all that extra shit." I said distastefully "She was texting me on Instagram but I ended up just ignoring her."

"You never did tell me what happened." I waved him off not wanting to talk about it not that I didn't trust him but it was whatever happened was between me and the other person I just kept to myself what they wanted to do with that information was solely up to them 

"Ole nosey ass gone on." I said before looking around campus and peeping Chasity she was talking to Miya and was deep into a conversation I guess she felt someone looking at her she scanned the area before locking eyes with me and giving me a little wave and smile before going back into her conversation she was having

"Who shawty with Chasity?" He asked looking over

"Miya? Nigga you know damn well you got too many of the campus females in and out of the house. If you ain't going to be serious bout her don't pursue her." I said making him suck his teeth in the process and change the subject. He had the bad habit of trying to pursue women he couldn't handle.

"We having a homecoming party tonight so you now we strolling tonight." He said before dapping me up and heading in the opposite direction

"So where you been all weekend?" I heard Sierra voice making me huff in annoyance

"Sierra look I'm not trying to argue with you about nothing right especially because we in  public right now." I said calmly as I typed away on my keyboard not taking my eyes away

"Ezra I just wanna explain-"She desperately was trying express

"No harm no foul, right? It's no bad blood, no hard feelings. Personally I'm just cool off of you." I looked at her coldly

"Ezra I didn't mean to sleep with him. You were too busy and I didn't feel like I was a priority to you." She said making me just chuckle and shake my head at her thought process

"Sierra you think I'm some young dumb nigga?" I looked at her confused "I heard you explain the same shit over and over I'm said I'm cool off you,trying to make shit right ain't finna do nothing but aggravate the shit out of me and I'm trying to stay as calm as I can." I said now giving her direct eye contact

"Hey Ezra you okay?" I heard a soft voice besides making turn around now facing facing a concerned Chasity

"Bitch who are you?" Sierra eyed Chasity

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