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Ezra in the picture above

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Ezra in the picture above


Scrunching up my face before trying to open my eyes my head was pounding making me instantly close my eyes back and sigh. After laying there for a couple minutes I sat up in bed letting my feet hit the cold floor trying to think back over yesterday events but I could even remember half of what happened last thing I remember was taking a couple shots and dancing and then after that everything else was a blur.

Grabbing my robe and stuff to do my hygiene routine I headed to the bathroom. Cutting on the light I looked myself over in the mirror seeing my blemish free face was clean of any makeup and smile at the fact that I remember to take off my makeup before heading to bed.

Gathering everything I got dressed for the day and headed towards the kitchen as I smelled breakfast was being cook.

"Good morningggg." I rung out to Kenya as she cooked and sitting at the island in one of the stools

"Morningg somebody had too much fun." She said causing her to chuckle under her breath a little making frown in confusion

"What did I do?"

"You wouldn't let either me or Miya take you back to the bnb and was running around the parking lot screaming laughing and girl I'm on the team with you but shit it seems like you run faster drunk" She fussed talking about the memory "Only person to actually get you to reason was Ezra and it's because he bride to take you to the diner."

"Ezra?" I asked puzzled

"Yes you don't remember last night he came and surprised you." She asked handing me a plate of eggs, bacon,waffles, with a side of fruit making my mouth water at the sight

"Thank you, but no."I shook my head before digging into my food "I'll call him after I finish eating." I told her popping a grape in my mouth

"I will never ever drink Don Julio again." Miya came to the kitchen sitting at the table "That shit had me on my ass plus your ass the definition of she a runner she a track star because why you had us running after you yesterday."

Making me laugh at her "I'm sorrrry Miyaaaa." I got up from my chair and went to hug her

"Never again." She grumbled but hugged me back nonetheless "What are we doing today?" She asking taking a piece of bacon off my plate

"We should ride ATV's" I suggested grabbing my ringing phone seeing it was Ezra excusing myself I went to the balcony and answered the FaceTime call

"Ms. Chasity." He smiled he looked like he was in a hotel

"Ezra." I smiled back at him "I know your here I don't remember much of yesterday but Kenya and Miya told me I was a hot mess"

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