Chapter 3

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It was more than an hour and our taekook were still roaming around the house.. JK describing every details and Tae listening understanding... JK was really very excited and happy cz everyone sure loved him but no one had this much interest in listening his blabbers but his angel was listening and he didn't seemed to get bored while even his family members also used to get bored thinking he is just talking useless...

Now JK was showing Tae everyone's room...he showed namjin's room then Suga's room then there was a room which looked like Jeon's room...but JK hesitate to go forward and it didn't go unnoticed by Tae...

Tae: what happened?

Jk: angel let's go ..ok?

Tae: wae? Why you didn't show me that room?

Jk: "gulp" actually it's Appa and Mom's room ... Mom doesn't like it when kook goes to her so I don't disturb also don't go to her after you come here and live..ok?

Saying this JK held Tae's hand dragging him with himself again blabbering... Tae was confused why Mrs. Jeon behaved with JK like that but he looked at their intertwined hand and blushed JK already started to think Tae will live here? Who knows....

Taekook came downstairs and Jeon asked JK to sit beside him in which JK agreed and sat beside him... Tae was about to take a sit too but Jin suddenly called him...

Jin: Tae...can I talk to you for sometime?

Tae: yeah yeah sure hyung...

Jin: will you please come with me?

Tae: ab ...okay ..

With Taejin
They were now in Jin's room... Tae was nervous what Jin is going to talk about...

Jin: Tae....I hope you won't mind me regarding me as your hyung cz my words may hurt you...

Tae: no hyung don't worry,,what do you want to ask?

Jin: Tae know na kook isn't normal...I mean he is too innocent to be a perfect husband for you or anybody..then why?

Tae: why what?? What do you mean by he isn't normal?

Jin: Tae... isn't like you don't very well know that he don't have any idea about married life,,he thinks he just have to work earn money and take care of his wife nothing more...he don't know the real meaning Tae...!! Why are you marrying him then? You're from rich family so it's not for money then why?

Tae: hyung...relax,,I know you're worried but it's not like what you're thinking...I just wanna marry him there is no reason..and if he is that much innocent then I'll handle it

Jin: listen Tae,,kook is like my son.. I've raised him,,I don't want that something bad happens to him so I'm worried,,you're beautiful well educated and smart boy then you're agreeing with this marriage so I'm concerned..why someone like you would like to marry kook..

Tae remained silent then smiled shyly looking at Jin which made Jin confused...

Tae: actually hyung....iminlovewithhimfortwoyears

Jin: yeah!! Say in human language..

Tae: "huff" I'm in love with him for two years...

Jin widened his eyes looking at Tae like saw a ghost... Tae was waiting for a reaction and got one too...

Jin: What? How? When?

Tae: umm... actually I came to a party with my Dad remember? (Jin nodded) that day I saw him and fell for him ..I asked my Dad but he refused saying kook is too innocent but I was determined..then when Jeon uncle asked my Dad then he agreed thinking about me..

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