chapter 8

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Previous part:

Tae looked down and got shocked.. JK was hard!!!!

Jk: a...angel wifey,,,,,hurts!! (Sniffle)

Tae: shit!!!!!

Tae lifted his head to see JK's face which was now red due to their body heat which both of them could feel.. Tae cursed himself in mind for not controlling over his own feeling and needs....he forgot his innocent husband is too innocent to do anything right now...he should have waited!!! But what is done is done... Now he needs to think about next....

Jk: a..angel wifey,,,it''s huwrting (hurting).......

Tae gulped before stepping down from JK's lap later stood in front of JK who was staring at his wifey with big doe eyes...
Tae closed his eyes before huffing and dragging JK with him inside the washroom... Tae was dragging JK while holding his hand who was continuously asking why his angel wifey taking him inside washroom when he is hurt??

Tae made JK stand under shower and was about to walk but JK tried to grab his hand while his hand got bumped with the door....

Jk: ouch.......

Tae: (gasp)...oh my!!!! Hubby!! Are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't see you coming......

Saying this Tae started to blow JK's fingers.. JK's whole face was red and eyes teary...first he was hard which he didn't know what it actually was and why it's hurting down there then again his hand,,,our poor bunny;)

Tae noticed JK's red face and made him sit on a stool present there.. Tae was caressing JK's fingers with so much care and JK was also staring at Tae's lips mole... JK felt strange in his stomach when Tae kissed his fingers... Tae looked at JK's face who was still red but the reason was different this time...

Jk: w.. why you kiss my hand?

Tae: to make the pain go away!!!

Jk: really??!!!

Tae nodded while looking at JK's eyes with so much love but widened his eyes at the next moment...

Jk: then will you kiss here to make pain go away??

Jk said this while pointing at his member oh so cutely yet innocently that Tae cursed under his breath...if it was some other time and topic Tae would coo at his husband but his mind was already thinking unholy things...he couldn't stop his mind from thinking the another meaning of JK's sentence which JK himself didn't know.... Tae gulped before smiling at JK who was waiting for an answer with his doe eyes...

Tae was sitting on the floor while JK was on the stool so Tae pulled JK's hoodie making JK bend down close to Tae's face.... Tae pecked JK's forhead then lips who was about to grab Tae but Tae got up knowing what will happen if they kiss again like sometime ago...!!

Tae got up holding JK making him stand under shower....he was about to open the shower when JK backed away ...

Jk: angel wifey...!!! I took bath!!! I don't want to now!!

Tae: hubby!! Listen.... it'll help you with your pain!!!

Jk looked at Tae with his curious eyes

Jk: but why bath?? You can kiss it go away no? Like my hands?

Tae: (gulped) a...ah hubby it won't help you,, Take a cold shower --

Jk: NO...!!!! (Screamed)

Tae got startled by sudden yelling from JK...

Jk: I don't wanna have cold bath I hate it...kook don't like it angel wifey!! Please kook hate it please....

Jk held Tae's hand and started to shake it like a baby asking for candy from his mom .... Tae wanted to coo but he couldn't as this is the only way he knows to calm JK down...

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