Chapter 2

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It was currently 11 pm at night.. two old friends were chitchatting after a long long time while drinking...they had lost touch due to business staff and after many days they were together gossiping about their life,,family including business..

Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon are two best friends..they were friends from school and now meeting after many days...

Mr. Kim: hahaha...yeah yeah Jeon I knew you had a crush on our class Captain... hahaha

Mr. Jeon: yeah..but too sad she was already taken ... hahaha..

(They were little bit drunk)

Mr. Kim: haha yes,, btw we are meeting after a long is your sons?

Mr. Jeon: well they are absolutely fit and fine just like their Dad... Young...

Mr. Kim: hahaha.. Young? And you? Nice jokes Jeon...

Mr. Jeon: hey Kim..what do you mean huh!! I'm still in my twenties...even if I stand in line now girls will die seeing me...

Mr. Kim: yeah cz you stink..old man..

Mr. Jeon: you're not any exceptional too..

Mr. Kim: okay let it go..tell me how is Yoongi and Jungkook? I heard Namjoon also lives with you guys..

Mr. Jeon: umm..yeah,,,and they are just fine.. JK is learning business from me recently..but I don't know if he can handle my business..

Mr. Kim: but Yoongi? He is older than him right? He should handle all this..

Mr. Jeon: yeah but he is not interested in business and become a music producer so JK is only one who have to handle this...and I'm worried cz he is still a baby from inside...

Mr. Kim: yeah..but his nature too right? I mean he is too pure and innocent for outdoor world..

Mr. Jeon: hmm...I'm worried about this too ....don't know what will happen.. anyway how is your son..

Mr. Kim: ohh Tae? He is fine,, he is really obedient child...I'm thinking to marry him off as he will be graduating soon and he isn't interested to build carrier..he is so naughty.. don't ask about him...

Mr. Jeon became silent after listening Kim..he was thinking something deeply when Kim shook him...

Mr. Kim: hey Jeon,,where are you lost? What happened suddenly?

Jeon looked at Kim before grabbing Kim's both hand in his... Kim got tensed seeing Jeon like that.. suddenly Jeon started to speak..

Mr. Jeon: friend,,can I ask you something?? I know it's random but I'm feeling like this is the only correct thing..

Mr. Kim: relax Jeon..what happened to you suddenly,,calm down..

Mr. Jeon: Kim..let's be serious..I want to propose you something..

Mr. Kim: what?

Mr. Jeon: don't be mad but listen to me said you wanna marry your son off and I think he is the one for my me selfish but I know only Tae baby can support JK... we'll be relatives too... what say?

Mr. Kim: what are saying? You're drunk let's go home...

Mr. Jeon again grabbed Mr. Kim's hand saying..

Mr. Jeon: no Kim...I'm serious..I know my kookie is not perfect but nobody is perfect right? Do me this favor.. accept my proposal,.. JK will take good care of Tae..I promise.. JK needs someone after me Kim... please,,

Mr. Kim didn't said anything ...he stared at nothing with poker face then looked at Jeon..he got up from his sit snatching Jeon's glass from his hand making him stand on his fit lifting by collar.. Jeon didn't protest though..he was expecting this but he got shocked when Kim hugged him out of nowhere saying..

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