chapter 9

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After the morning encounter with Jin,Tae went to their room and found his baby husband still sleeping on his stomach,lips parted while snoring cutely...his bangs were falling over his face... Tae chuckled before kissing his husband's forehead then lips before snuggling with him on Tae was tired and didn't had enough he easily fell asleep on top of his husband's back just like that...

After an hour or so when JK woke up he found his angel wifey on top of him sleeping with cute a pout... JK giggled before pinching the bread like cheeks of his angel wifey..this action of JK seemed to woke Tae up as Tae stirred a little and JK gasped cutely before putting his hands on his face in order to hide from the woken up Tae but who will tell the bunny that he was just under his wifey...his angel wifey could easily see him... Tae noticed it and giggled loudly in sleepy state...he laid on his back and JK pouted..the warmness is  missing suddenly

Sorry~ JK said while getting close to Tae was smiling ear to ear after the cute act of his husband...

~why?~ Tae asked as JK snuggled up with his body like koala.. Tae intertwined with fingers with jk's soft locks when JK shoved his face on his chest...he really seems to like the place without knowing that... Tae didn't feel that much pain there with the help of the medicine/cream so he too pulled his husband closer as much as possible...

~woke u up from sleep ~ JK whined feeling guilty for what he did...he thought Tae will be mad at him and push him but when he didn't JK felt at peace but not fully though,,

~that's okay hubby,,now get up and have breakfast it's already past morning ~ Tae said all the words with affection that made JK shy shy...

~nooo...wanna sleep some more~ JK whined and Tae was also tired cause of lack of sleep so he couldn't protest and before he knew he was fast asleep again with his husband snuggled up with his body
It was now evening and the party was at night...but it will start around 7 or so... Tae was getting his husband ready for the party right now who was just standing there admiring his angel wifey who was all focused on his's their wedding reception after all,,they needed to look good of course... Tae wasn't ready yet though... JK looked down at his feet with red ears when suddenly Tae looked at him in the eyes...

~god!!! hubby,,I'm yours only.. you can look at me as much as u want no need to be shy~ Tae teased his husband who sulked... Tae was giggling non stop and was about to move from there but he felt a sudden pull on his waist and a pair of hot soft wet lips against his... current passed his body as JK kissed him using tongue to lick his lips like kittens but only if JK knew how hot was the act...they kiss for some good minutes before JK leaves Tae who was red by now.. both breathing heavily..

Tae: why did u kissed me! I mean so suddenly??

JK:*pout* you weren't stop laughing at me

Tae: uhh...anyways y-you go outside I'll get ready now...

Jk: nooo!! Let kook stay with angel wifey please (⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)

Jk was looking at Tae with his big doe puppy eyes which made Tae all soft...he cupped his husband's cheeks and placed a longing peck on his lips...

Tae: okay okay!! U can stay here but no naughty naughty okay?

Jk nodded eagerly like a obedient child...
Now Tae was getting ready for the party and JK was playing with Tae's soft locks.. Tae curled them so it looked more soft and made Tae even more beautiful.. Tae was applying lip balm and that's when Jin entered inside the room...

Jin: are you guys ready or not -------- oh my my!!!! Kook!!! You look so handsome baby!!

Jk giggled seeing his dramatic hyung.. Tae also smiled at Jin before adjusting his dress and taking a final look on the mirror...

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