chapter 5

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After the wedding everyone was enjoying the after party and our taekook were sitting in one couch giggling with each other... JK was touching Tae's face time to time asking Tae if he is actually an angel.. this made Tae shy everytime while others laughed... JK pouted hearing them laugh and Tae comforts him lightly kissing his cheeks which made JK red like strawberry...

Soon the reception was done and it was time to say good bye to Tae's parents.. Tae's eyes became teary all of a sudden seeing his parents numb face..he hugged them both letting his tears flow... JK was just looking at them with curious eyes...but winded his eyes when he heard sniffing sounds coming from his angel..his angel wifey was crying already? But promised that he won't let his angel wifey cry just some hours ago... right!!?
JK hurriedly went towards Tae and separate him from Mr. Kim who was crying and hugged his WiFey close to his heart with a worried yet crying face...

Tae became shocked including everyone cz a innocent boy was comforting his wife who was more mature than him mentally

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Tae became shocked including everyone cz a innocent boy was comforting his wife who was more mature than him mentally... Tae also hugged his husband feeling safe in his arms...

Jk: angel wifey ...don't cry please,, God will punish me if you cry...

Tae lifted his head hearing JK and everyone was also looking at them..

Tae: wae!??(sniff)

Jk: cz me made promise not to make you cry just 2 hours ago ...then if you cry God will be angry and punish me

Tae chuckled with tears taking JK's one hand from his waist to his cheeks wiping his own tears by JK's hand later kissing on JK's palm...

Tae: then just wipe my tears whenever I cry and hug me just like this okay??

Jk: won't cry,,I don't like this...(hugged Tae tightly sniffing Tae's neck unknowningly)

Kim couple were so happy to see JK's caring side for Tae,,he is this much caring in this state then if he becomes normal then how much happy Tae will be with him...

Then Tae bid goodbyes to his parents and went towards Jeon mansion with JK...his new family,,new house,,new life..

Soon their car stopped in front of Jeon mansion and everybody come out of their cars except taekook...when RM came to them and asked them to come out he saw JK was sleeping peacefully resting his head in Tae's chest hugging Tae's waist... Tae was caressing JK's hair.. RM smiled at them before knocking at glass door.. Tae looked and became shy..but RM assured him it's fine and went from there later sending Jin to them...Jin made JK awake and said they need to go inside
Jk was sulking and whining not wanting to leave Tae but he had to ....
Taekook came out of the car later entering inside... Yoongi and J-hope took JK with them who was sulking cz he wanted to stay with his angel wifey

Other hand Jin took Tae in JK's room and made him sit on the bed..

Jin: Tae...I know you love kook but I want to ask sorry

Tae: why hyung? What are you saying

Jin: you know na...kook isn't normal and maybe your first night may not go according to your expectations and----

Tae: hyung.......don't worry,,,leave it to me...he is innocent but a man right? He has his needs...just relax

Jin: Tae......

Tae: I said na ....don't worry just relax.. I'll handle that innocent bunny myself
I also want him so bad anyways..

Jin: shameless brat....

Tae laughed at Jin and Jin also smiled seeing Tae's adorable face... everyone knows how their first night will be so Jin was worried for Tae cz everyone has dream about this night while Tae was sacrificing many things

Later at night after 1 hour of making JK irritated with sope's bickering they left JK alone and JK was now in his room standing at door step..but he didn't found his angel wifey anywhere
He was thinking Tae left him because he was late so he made a crying face feeling broken inside... he was about to cry when Tae came out of the washroom with just a towel around his body covering his chest to knee.. (well Tae has feminine body..sry if I forgot to tell)
Tae became shocked to see JK there looking down crying silently and looking at Tae like a statue... water drops were running down Tae's body from his wet hairs but the moment he saw JK crying he forgot everything and ran towards him hugging him tightly ...the moment Tae hugged JK our bunny started to cry little loudly ..

Tae: shhh...what happened hubby,,why are you crying? What happened??!!

Jk: I..I thought left me..(sniff) hyungs weren't leaving me so I was late ..don't go away from kook please

Tae hugged him more hearing his cry.. it was hurting him too... Tae lead them towards bed still hugging JK and made JK sit on the bed later sitting on JK's side ...

Tae: I'm not leaving you...I was in bathroom to take shower hubby...why would I leave my own husband huh!!

Jk: "sniff" really???

Tae: yess... really....(JK again looked down) what happened now? Why sad?

Jk: if you won't leave then why you sat there not here?(pointing his lap)

Tae became red hearing JK but then sat on JK's lap circling his arms around JK's neck which made JK smiled brightly...

Tae: you like it when I sit here?

Jk: yess yess soft

Tae: soft??!!

Jk: (nodded grabbing Tae's ass) feels soft soft

Tae widened his eyes hearing JK's words cz his innocent husband was saying which was far from innocence

Jk hugged Tae mumbling don't leave sniffing Tae's neck which made Tae shiver.. Tae was loosing his control but composed himself cz JK wasn't in that state to understand anything

Tae tried to get out of JK's grip which JK didn't let to happen and by their movement Tae's towels grip got loosen and fall from his chest....
Tae's eyes again widened at this situation...his bare chest was visible for JK..his innocent husband...
Other hand JK was also looking at Tae's chest with big big doe eyes with red cheeks...he never saw something like that...small puffed up things which looked tempting to him..he don't know why he wanted to touch them...Tae was Soo shocked that he forgot to cover his body...he came back to his sense when he felt cold touch on his small puffed up boobies
Yess... JK was touching Tae's boobies..
Teasing the nipples making it hard... Tae was now feeling something which he shouldn't but he was feeling giddy too...
Tae on JK's lap and JK playing with Tae's breasts like a baby...
Tae suddenly got up and lay down on bed covering his body which made JK pout....he wanted to play more but Tae denied asking him to fresh up first.. JK went to washroom pouting while Tae was laying there mind blank and foggy ....he was becoming needy but this is not right.....he shouldn't be acting like this... right?? Well who knows....

That's it for today...see you soon
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