chapter 7

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Next morning..................

Tae was the first one who woke up feeling heavy on his chest...he rubbed his eyes and and was about to shout when he realized it's not his house... Oh!!! It's his in laws house..his room... Their shared bedroom... shared with Jungkook....his kookie hyung...his hubby!!!
Tae smiled and kissed at JK's hairs who was sleeping peacefully while hugging Tae's body like was really early in the morning so Tae decided to stay in bed with JK...he was caressing JK's hairs while thinking about their last night kiss... Tae blushed staring at JK with soft eyes full of love....Tae leaned down and pecked JK's lips who whinned later licking his lips in sleep where Tae kissed him... Tae giggled seeing that..
After 30 minutes JK was still sleeping like a baby with a pout adoring his face... Tae one last time pecked JK's forhead and lips before carefully getting out of bed not disturbing JK's sleep.... Tae freshen up before heading downstair...he straight went to kitchen to make breakfast for all...he was getting the ingredients ready when the maids started to come..the maids tried to stop him from work but Tae just asked them to help him in it..they agreed cz of course it was their master's wife,, young master to say......
Tae was making breakfast for everyone and soon Jin came inside kitchen... Tae smiled at Jin who smiled back...

Jin: why are you here early in the morning?

Tae: ohh...just wanted to make something for everyone,,and it's my first day here so know!!

Jin: yeah I get it...but you don't need to do this,,I'm here for these things,,you just stay with your hubby....hmmm!!

Tae:*blushed* yeah Jin hyung....I can do this...

Jin: sooo......!!

Tae: hmm??

Jin: you know......ahem:)

Tae: what is it hyung?

Jin: Tae!!!!!!

Tae: hyung!!!!!

Jin:*huffed* okay enough... I'll be honest,,,so anything happened last night??

Tae: last night?

Jin: huh!! Come on I know you're not innocent like kook so drop the tell me did something happen between you two?

Tae: *red tomato* ahh hyung!!!! Nothing like that......

Jin: ..!!

Tae: okay ,,,,j..just kiss... nothing else now shut u---- ahhhh....

Tae flinched when suddenly someone hugged him from behind..the maids giggled seeing Tae's shocked cute face .. Tae closed his eyes when that someone nuzzled his nose on Tae's neck inhaling Tae's scent... Tae already knows who it is...yes it's his dear hubby...

Jin: ahem ahem!! (Cleared throat)

Jk: oww Jin hyung!!! (Sulked) see angel wifey is bad...he left me alone in that room....scold him..scold him

Tae:*gasped* I'm bad? Then why are you hugging me!! Go go...I'm bad right?

Jk widened his eyes pouting afterwards...yeah he was still hugging Tae who was smiling but JK couldn't see that but others could...

Jk: no're not bad you're angel wifey,,soooo beautiful...Jin hyung don't scold my angel wifey,,, hubby is sorry angel wifey.......

Everyone cooed at JK's cuteness as he was saying all this with pout and burning his face on Tae's neck so it was sounding like he was mumbling,, Tae giggled turning around hugging his husband who was sulking...

Tae: okay wifey is sorry too!! I won't leave you alone anymore okay? Now sit I'll feed you....

Jk: really? Umm...I'm so hungry!!

Jin chuckled seeing Taekook and Tae was done making pancakes so he served JK that while Jin took care of the rest...
Tae was feeding kook with his own hand time to time whipping his lips and making him drink water... JK really loved the taste of Tae's handmade pancakes so he was enjoying it so much... Tae was about to feed JK one more bite but JK put the spoon in front of Tae's mouth who smiled softly before taking a bite,,, JK tried to eat by himself...and Tae took the glass from JK's side and started drinking the water...

Jk: yummy,,,,,

Jin: you really like your wife's handmade food huh!

Jk: um? Yesh's so yummy and soft soft....ummm,,,,,just like wifey....!!!

Tae chocked on water making JK wet cz only Tae understood what JK meant by soft soft,,,of course his boobs but others didn't so Jin came towards Tae and patted his back... JK too tried to do anything which would help Tae but ended up pouting while hugging Tae closer to him....this made Tae's clothes wet too ...

Jin: you okay Tae?

Tae: ah yeah hyung I'm ....umm hubby don't worry I'm okay let's go get you changed hmm??

Jk: no you're sick you coughed,,let's go to hospital...

Tae: yeah come on I'm okay...let's go!!

Tae dragged JK upstair making everyone chukle in kitchen...

In their bedroom...........

Tae removed JK's t-shirt from his body to make him wear a hoodie...but Tae's breath hitched seeing JK's body...he was indeed a muscle bunny with innocent face,,, Tae gulped before hurriedly putting on the hoodie for JK...he then asked JK to stay there and went towards closet room to get changed as his clothes were wet too..

Tae was unbuttoning his tops buttons but didn't noticed a certain someone who was behind him... Tae was about to take off the shirt when he felt hot breath on his nape.... Tae quickly turned around just to get shocked to see JK there,,

Tae: kook!!! What are you doing here?

Jk: I...I want strawberry !

Tae: huh!!

Jk touched Tae's lips with his index while pouting melting Tae's heart...Tae smiled before wrapping his hands around JK's neck kissing his nose....

Jk: will you give it to me?

Tae: it's all yours hubby!! You can have it whenever you want......

Jk: really!!


Tae pressed his lips with JK who was fast enough to kiss Tae back with more passion and hunger...which he also didn't realize,,, Tae cultched on JK's hoodie... Tae started to walk backwards with JK who sat on a stool which was there and Tae sat on his lap making himself comfortable without breaking the kiss ...both of them were so into it that no one wanted to break the kiss,, JK was kissing Tae like no tomorrow although he was innocent....he is indeed innocent but a man his needs made him act on his own... Tae's half opened shirt was barely covering his body,,,just covering his chest somehow.. JK pulled Tae more towards himself which made their chest collide... Tae moaned into JK's mouth who pulled him more close but slowed down feeling something....he broke the kiss staring at Tae who was breathing heavily....
Jk was just staring at Tae without saying anything so Tae got tensed

Tae: anything wrong hubby??

Jk: .............

Tae:*cupped JK's face* tell me? What's it?

Jk didn't said anything just looked at Tae's chest who followed his gaze gulping afterwards....
Tae took JK's hand and placed them over his own chest with shaky hands.. JK smiled a little focused on the soft thing under his palm...he suddenly pressed it which made Tae moan... JK hurriedly took his hand off scared to hurt his angel wifey...but Tae again took his hand placing them over his chest again.... JK then stared at Tae before pressing it again...he continuously started to press them like stress ball making Tae mess under his touch .... Tae was closing his eyes feeling the pleasure which his innocent husband was providing but shoot his eyes opon when something pocked his ass...
Tae looked down and damn..........
Jk was hard???

Jk: a... angel wifey,,,,hurts....(sniffle)

Tae: shit!!!!

Okay after a decade....but yeah here it is....I hope it's not a boring part...see you soon...
Bye bye sarange

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