Episode 2 Season 1

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Three kids ran out from the orphanage, eager to play outside with the snow. Two boys and one female with big smiles on their faces. The boy with black hair giggled, watching his two friends that he considers as the only family he have. A prominent scar running from his face at the left side, his eye color gray as the other pair is red, blind to the left.

"Y/n! Izana! Slow down, it's pretty cold! I can't run so fast!" He shouted while breathing heavily.

Though he is not so fan of cold weather, he wants to play outside with the two. But he's not worried for himself as he knew he can carry it for a long time. . .. he was worried for his white haired friend.

"Silly kaku, you're too slow! How will you become one of us if you're showing us that you're like a puppy." The large purple eyes boy jokingly replied as their other friend laughed lightly.

His tanned skin turning pale from too much cold, their noses turning light pink.

The three stopped at the playground, knocking themselves to the cold soft snow.

"This is the day of Christmas." The h/c mumbled. She closed her eyes, feeling the heat of the ice spring on her body. Her body relaxed as listened to her two friends giggling while playing with the snow, arms completely stretched out back and forth.

"I like this weather. It's giving me cool vibes about killing villains y'know what i mean?" Izana glanced at them.

Though the older female had her eyes closed, she smiled hearing his sentence as well as kakucho who nodded his head with a quiet hum.

"One day, we'll rule tokyo." That's what she had in mind.

Kakucho glanced at the two with twinkling eyes. They may be older than him but for him, it was just like having them as the same age as him by the way they act.

'Two kings.. .and they are both my bestfriends.'

"You think one day I can defeat mikey?" the two shuts their mouths, the freezing wind brush to their cheeks,

As much as kakucho wanna say that he doesn't know about his king's question, he choose to answer him.

"We completely know that you're stronger, Izana."

The female just silently listened.

Izana showed a gentle smile to him, his confidence growing from the words his friends said.

Though y/n want to speak, she choose to shut her mouth.

For she knows what is coming and truth.

'Izana is stronger.. but has lower stamina when it comes to fighting.' And that's the hard truth.

Mikey was the opposite of him.

"Out of all place in Japan, what you guys like the most?" The female questioned.

The purple eyes' boy's birthday is near and so, she had to think of any places that they can celebrate. Her surprised, atleast.

"Yokohama!" Both boys screamed.

She chuckled at the two, slowly standing up.

"You'll rule yokohama one day, that's a promise."

The two stared at her, blinking as if she just hit her head.


Their dream place.

Yokohama is no joke when it comes to gang stuffs, and hearing her say that makes them tilt their head.

They weren't sure if she's joking or not. But for they new that when she says thing that comes with a promise, it will soon came true. They didn't know how, but something is definitely   connected to her.. . atleast that's what they've thought.

All things worked for itself whenever she promises something.

Though they find it odd, they stayed silent and is actually happy about it.

"We'll, we're kings! But how can you so sure about that?" Izana jumped from his spot, playfully pulling kakucho up on his feet.

Y/N smiled slyly,

"I just know it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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