Shoto | Maybe?

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You woke up in a dark room, suddenly the light above you switches on, only you were lit up. You look around, you're tied up onto a chair.

Suddenly you hear humming from one side of the room. You couldn't tell if it was behind you, on your right, your left or even infront of you.

"You shouldn't looked through- Oh, You're awake!" A man wearing a purple masquerade mask exclaimed.


Suddenly the room lit all up, now it's not just you but the whole room. You kind of felt relieved when you saw there was no other things like surgery tools in a cart waiting for you.

"Why am I here?"

"Another intermission of course!" Shoto smiled after taking his mask off. However, you felt as if this Shoto was another different version than the ones you met.

He's not sassy or secretive to you like the Shoto in Complex.

He's not the easy to forgive nor the supportive Shoto in Contract.

Moreover, he's not the Shoto you met in Intermission.

Which version Shoto is this?

"You know I can read your thoughts, right?"

"Oh.. who are you?"

"More like the question being.. which Shoto I am?" He asked and you nodded. A smile made its way onto his face.

"I'm a villain~" He then chuckled, the back of his hand over his mouth. "I love that song. Now a question."

His smile dropped and he looked at you straight in the eyes. You felt intimidated by him, so far he isn't the version of Shoto you would prefer to be with.

"If you're a good guy and he's a bad guy." Shoto started as two pieces of the Knights from each black and white side were held in his hold. "Which side are you on?"

You stayed quiet. What is he on about?

Shoto's shoulders dropped, he pouts. "Oh how can you still not know?" He walks up to you and stopped behind you. You could feel both his hands placed onto your shoulders as he leans in to your ear. "Good easily fades away."

"Your point?"

"If I'm a villain and you're the main character in any of the stories." A mirror appeared in front of you, you looked at the reflection upon you, Shoto looked sadistic. "I'm your best friend in the stories. I'm your sidekick."

His eyes seemed crazed. You want to get out of here.

"What I'm saying is you're a villain too!"

"N-No.. I can't be one."

Shoto laughed at your reply. "What makes you think otherwise?" He then walked to stand in his original position, this time there is a knife in his hand.

"The stealing Ike away fron Vox in multiple of the stories, the being mean to multiple people you've met. Oh, the ignorance? Hell, that one time you shut me off!"

"Didn't you notice how I once tried to kill that yellow highlighter boy? He may be tall Y/n, but I have what it takes to be killing someone."

"Don't you realise how scary Sonny actually is? How Luca is hiding something from you and how Ike-" He stopped himself from spoiling anything further. "They're all villains. Villains you fell for from the beginning."

Shoto came closer to you, one of his hand holding the arm of the chair you're tied in with the other holding the knife close to your face. "We're all villains, Y/n. Why can't you understand that?"

You tried to release yourself from the ropes youre in but you were left helpless.

"I'm killing someone." Shoto snapped. "Maybe you're killing someone. Maybe I'm killing you, maybe you're killing me." He sighed, an unusual feeling of euphoria ran through his body.

He ran a hand through his hair and smiled. "Do you understand now Y/n? We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side so what if we're the villain on the other?"

You stayed quiet, any word coming out from you would make him feel bloodlust.

"I'll let you go for now," He says, caressing your cheek with the back of the knife. "This isn't the last of me you'll see."

He moved away from you, the room now dark but only light shining down on you. "You'll see what I meant."

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A/n: Is it too late for me to tell you all that ShotoShion is the one in charge of all the intermissions and the types of Shoto in every books- 🧍

Thanks Javi

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