Luca K. | Treasure

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A scared understudy went in the boss' main office. With a fearful look, he hesitated to share the bad news. "B-Boss!"

The mafia boss looked up to his minion with little interest. "Speak, Wilson." He simply demanded.

Wilson swallowed his own saliva in fear of the outcome his boss would say. "The lady, she escaped."

Luca stopped writing his papers, his pen almost breaking. "Repeat that one more time?" He said. The raventte's eyes were wide in anger, he was also amazed that she had the ability to escape thirty men guarding her heavily.

"The lady.. escaped- hgk!"

Luca stared at the now lifeless body. Ruffling his own hair in distress, he called in people through the intercom. "Find her."

The message given by their boss was enough to make everyone in the mafia group to scurry out the building in cold feet. The 'Lucubs' were very frightened to meet the same fate as their boss' secretary, Wilson.

Luca had always had an interest to a girl named Y/n.

He smiled once that one reoccurring memory floods in his head.

~ • °

There she was, sitting all by herself eating lunch. Distracted by her phone and laughing to herself. It has been a habit of her to come to this specific café, at a specific time, sitting in the specific booth.

She always ordered the same thing when she goes there, a simple beverage with no food. Out of nowhere, the waiter delivers her food she didn't order it has been happening more frequently as the days go by.

"I didn't order that-" Y/n said after having the built up courage to speak up about the mistake. As an introvert, it was eating her up because she doesn't want to pay for what she didn't want.

The waiter smiled at the girl. "It's already paid. A gentleman from that booth ordered it for you." He pointed to a table were it was empty. The mystery person must have left before she could spot him.

"He also wanted to give you this." It was a small box, fancy one theresay. Y/n only looked at it and pushes it away. "Thank you but no thanks. Can you tell the mystery person to stop whatever he's doing? Give that back to him, please."

With that, Y/n left after dunking her drink in one go. Leaving the café, she looks left and right to keep an eye out for the stranger before walking to work.

"I don't see it on your wrist.."

Luca Kaneshiro was waiting inside his car for the girl to exit. It seemed that she has gone brave enough to decline his gifts. He had to step it up more to prove his admiration and love towards her.

At first, their meeting wasn't that nice. Luca just happened to drop a dollar bill on the floor and walked away without knowing. Y/n who saw it, picked it up and chased after him. She told him a dollar could make a difference but what difference does it make if he was already rich?

Maybe Y/n got scared of him because he looked intimidating, or perhaps because of his tall build? Whatever, he just has to find a way for her to know of his existence.


"What?" Coming home from a long eight hours of work, Y/n sees a basket of her front porch with flowers and a card. She looked around, no one was there except her neighbour who is a few minutes going to work at the same time she was home.

Though Sonny works as an officer so he goes in and out the house. "Hey, Sonny!" Y/n called out to the blonde. "Oh, 'sup Y/n!"

"Did you see anyone coming to my house?"

"Yeah. There was a guy with a suit and sunglasses. I thought you worked with the special undercover forces?" He whispered as he got closer and closer to her. "What's that?" He pointed at the basket.

"That's why I called for you,"

"Damn it!" Luca hits the dashboard of his car. How could he have forgotten? Her police officer neighbour works thirty minutes after she comes home. "I gave it to her too early.."

Luca grabbed his phone and called for someone.

"Yaho, this is Al-"

"I need you to kidnap Y/n in two days if my plan does not work."

"Oh." The other caller gasped. "Y/n L/n from where Sonny Brisko lives?"

"Yes. Do it thirty-five minutes after she gets home."



Feeling a presence in front of her, Y/n turned off her phone and looked at the man. He was grinning ear to ear, as if he knew her for a long time.

"Who are you?"

"You looked lonely so I thought I'd join you,"

"I asked you a question."

"I'm Luca, the guy who pays for your tab and buys you food." Luca answered wholeheartedly. It was like he's used to telling people the truth without sugar-coating the answers.

Sliding a familiar small box to her direction, he eyed for her expression. "You didn't accept my gift." He frowned.

"And I would continue to decline it,"

"Just open it up, please?"

Doing so, Y/n slowly opened the top lid of the box. It was a bracelet which seemed expensive. "No wonder why you didn't want your dollar." Luca laughed at her statement. "I still don't want it," Y/n closed it back and slid it to him.

"Wait why? Is the colour not to your liking? I can buy you a new one-"

"Listen buddy, that isn't the problem. The main problem is a total stranger like you know about me and where I live. It's a red flag behaviour!"

Y/n stood up and glared at the man. "Please stop whatever you're doing. No girl wants a man stalking her,"

After she left the café, the second she turned a block, her vision was dark. "Sorry, I have to keep my job."

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Summary: Y/n was an ordinary girl who was kidnapped by a mafia boss named Luca Kaneshiro who fell in love and stalked her.

Y/n knew Luca via a situation which he dropped a dollar which she chased him for it. From that day, Luca found her interesting and "fell in love".

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