Ren Z. | New

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h/c - hair colour

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Ren Zotto was an alien prince from another planet. Be came to the planet Earth since he heard it had a lot of fun activities to do unlike where he lives.

When he arrived, he made friends. Scarle, Aia, Maria, Aster and Kyo. He has his passion for music, that's done.

But he felt as of there's something missing so he decided to ask his friend Aster who was also in the same situation as his as he's a celestial being.

Ren entered the second year classroom which Aster was in. He was seen sitting on his seat alone, stitching up a few fabrics together.

"Hey Aster,"

"Hi Ren, what brings you here?" Aster asked but his attention still fully on his masterpiece.

Ren took a seat from a chair which was unoccupied and talked his problems away "So you know how we're both from different places and came to Earth then felt like something is.. I don't know- missing? Yeah so I wanted to know if you felt that too and could help me with it.."

Aster who was not paying attention to the raven's words stopped what he was doing and finally turned his full attention to him. "Can you repeat that?"

"Aster I-"

"I heard you, I heard you. Just wanted to tease you a bit." Aster laughed cutely. "You feel like something is missing.. could it be possible a lover?"

Ren's face became red the second Aster mentioned love. "That couldn't possibly be the reasoning, Aster-"

The dual hair coloured male tilted his head, a confused look displayed on his face. "What do you mean it can't be it? Don't you feel an ounce of fondness towards someone? A guy? A girl? Anyone???"

Ren rested his head in his crossed arms on the table, groaning. "I don't have anyone I feel like that towards to."

"How about we start with my classmates?" Aster smiled, eager to help the ravenette.

"No Aste-"

"What about him? He's a transfer student from a different school." Aster pointed to a red haired male, who's laughing and goofing around the other classmates.

Ren shook his head. "No, no. Please Aster-"

"What about her? Oh or that girl from across the class!"

After almost listing out everyone of Aster's classmates, mutuals and himself, the male groaned on his seat. "This is impossible Ren! Are you sure you don't like anyone?"

Ren sighs and nods at the question asked. "Yes, Aster. Maybe it's too early for me anyways, who knows? Affection towards someone very special is very rare you know so-"

"Excuse me, you're sitting in my seat." Someone cuts him off.

"Oh! What about him? How do you feel towards our temporary exchange student, Hex?" Aster asked, desperate for an answer. After standing up and apologising to Hex, Ren shook Aster off. "Please, Aster. I appreciate you helping me but I'll figure it out myself."

Being stubborn, Aster pouted at Ren angrily and called on Hex. "Psst Hexy! Who was the person that was in your virtual counselling session?"


"Yeah them! What class are they in again?"

"Well.. she's in class 2-B but what do you-"

"Alright, thankies Hex!" Aster grabbed Ren's hand and dragged him out the class. "Follow me! When you see her I bet your knees would go weak!"

Arriving at the class, Aster brought his friend to an opened hallway window for class 2-B. The celestial being looked around and perked up when he s
aw the person he was looking for.

"There!" He pointed to a girl who's wearing glasses, reading all by herself. "Oh gosh, she's pretty.."

"Don't you think so?" Aster asked the taller male. Ren was just in awe and gotten quiet.

"Ren? Rennn???" Aster waved a hand in front of him and when he didn't respond, Aster thought of a mischievous plan.

He turned to the girl again and acted out his plan. "Is there a Y/n in the class?" Y/n turned her attention to her name being called, stood up and met the two outside the class.

"I'm y/n. Is there something you need me for?" She asked, pushing up her glasses.

"I'm Aster from 2-A and this is Ren a senior from 3-A, we were wondering if you would like to hang out with us this weekend?" Aster asked with a charming smile to persuade her.

"That's sounds nice but I have to decline. I don't know you both.."

Not wanting defeat, Aster brought up the only person who could be so much help right now. "Hex! We're both friends of Hex!"

Hearing him say that, Y/n smiled. "Why didn't you say so? Sure, I'll make time to be there." She nodded and smiled.

"Great! Can we have your number as well? Ren will text you the location and time!" Aster patted the ravenette next to him.

"Okay, let me go in and get a paper to write on."

"Okay!" Aster watched as the h/cnette walked in to write on a piece of paper. "So, what do you think?" He looked up to his tall friend.

Ren blinked when Y/n left his sight. "Is she real??" He raised his hand onto his chest. "Oh my god, Aster, I.."

He looked at his friend in the eyes, a look of satisfaction and worry mixed displayed on his face. "I think I am in love."

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Summary: -

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