????? | Intermission

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"Hello Y/n, I'm Shoto. Welcome!"

You look around, the room was bland and white in colour. There was nothing else in the room except two white chairs placed on opposite sides of a white table.

"I know who you are." You say as you sit uncomfortably on your chair. "Why am I here? You weren't mentioned in the list of names."

Shoto smiled at your words, he kept his stature professional. "That's right. I'm only here to make sure you're fine with everything so far."

You look at him in confusion. You're starting to get a little bit pissed off.

"How do I leave?"

"Please don't leave yet." Shoto pleaded. "The author made me ask you if there's anything you want to say about the different dimensions you've been to."

You titled your head in confusion. "Different dimensions?"

Shoto nodded. "You can say they're different books."

"So many things happened in every.. dimensions." You confessed. You recalled every plot-twists in some ShionShoto's books. "I have one thing to complain,"

Out of nowhere, Shoto has a clipboard with lined papers and a pen. "Go on," he says as he gets himself ready to write down every complaints you have.

"The author uploads very slowly." Saying this made Shoto eye you from his clipboard. "I-I'm not hating on them! I'm just so- what's the word.. eager to read more what happens in the future."

Shoto let's out an 'ah..' and writes it down. "Is there anything else?"

"Who's her oshi?"

Shoto chuckled at your question. "That is very obvious. Any other question?"

"Can I really not leave?"

Shoto sighs, placing both his clipboard and pen down on the table. "You can just scroll to the next part or use that triple line thing on the top left." He leaned back on his chair.

"I really suggest you to stay."

You notice the change in his tone.

"I'll stay for a little bit."

Your words made Shoto smile, he sat up properly again. "Great, if you have any questions you can always ask her whenever, wherever."

"Now is there any questions you have for me?"

"Why are you always somehow in the stories and bad things happen?" You asked after he finished speaking.

This question made Shoto look at you surprised. "I actually don't know.." he looked down to the table. "What I do know is I'm always a friend you can count on."

"I have mixed feelings about that." You crossed your arms.

There was so many questions flooding in your head. You want to ask him so many things.

"What happens when a story ends?" You sadly asked.

"Well." Shoto cleared his throat. "Some books would end right there and then but some will have extra chapters after the main story ends."

"So like side-stories?"

"Side stories for different characters and some for you and your preferred... someone from the story you're in."

You nodded after he explained. "Is there a chance I would di-"

"Let's not go there." Shoto stopped you. "Our time is short for now. I will see you again some other time. Goodbye, Y/n."

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