Chapter II

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"Oh my gosh so how's living with Channing tatum?" Ari asked assoon as I got into the car.

"Terrible. He's a conceited, arrogant little jerk and I hate him"

"Well Damn you let everything out." Ari laughed.

The rest of the time we talked about nonesense.

When we got to the club there were tons of paparazzi around there. Asking there stupid questions like:

"Joanna! Are you dating channing tatum or Ariana?"

"Whats happening with your new movie."

Blah blah blah.

Inside the club there were tons of strippers and the music was loud. Ari went straight to the bar and ordered us two strong drinks which we drank in a few seconds. Then we got wasted.

Lean on came on and I slurred "Omg I love this songggg! W-we gotta dancee."

We went on the dance floor and started dancing widly. I didnt care who was watching me, I felt free for once.

Some guys came to dance around us, then one grabbed my ass, I didn't know who and didn't care.

I started grinding and twerking on him. He smirked and soon he lead me outside to an alley.

"L-lets go back inside." I said. I was drunk, but still had common sense.

The guy shook his head and said "lets have some fun." I tried to run but he grabbed me and gagged me. He ripped my dress off and started taking off his clothes.

I was screaming and crying but only muffled sounds came out. Jesus please help me.

He came on top of me and squished my boobs with his hands, which hurt. He planted small kisses along my neck and then came and nibbled on my nipples.

Finally, I gained enough strength to kick him in the groin, which I shouldn't have done because he then got really mad and punched me right in the face.

Then it became dark. When I awoke it was morning and I ad been left her all night.

I was raped.

Touched by someone I didn't even know. I felt pain all over my body, I guess he likes rough sex. I was a virgin, saving it for my one true love and now Im ruined... again.

I cried, I don't know for how long but I cried. Finally I decided to go back to the penthouse. I called my friend Breanna.

"H-hello?" She answered like she just woke up.

"Come pick me up at 50th street right now its urgent.. a-and bring extra clothes." I quickly hung up.

I cried while waiting for her. When she came she said "Omg what happened to you?"

That almost made me burst out in tears. "N-nothing just please drop me home, I dont wanna talk about it." I changed into the clothes she packed for me and went up to the penthouse using the back staircase so nobody would see me.

I cant inagine how terrible I must look. My eyes puffy and red, hair frizzy. I look like I'm e.t.

I unlocked the door and tried to run to my room as fast as possibly so Channing wouldn't see me but he said "Wait come back here. Where've you been last night? Just coming back from fucking a guy?"

But when he saw my face he softened and said "What happened?"

"Nothing I dont wanna talk about it." I sniffed.

He sighed"C'mere." He stood up and gave me a hug, which was what I needed. I love this hug, hes so cuddly and soft and he smells nice.

I broke down in his arms, let everything out. I cried and cried it made a stain on his shirt.

I guess I fell asleep to because when I woke up I was in our bed, yes we share a bed sadly, and he was sleeping next to me.

We were so close together. He looked adorable when he was sleeping, like a little kitten.

I smiled and suddenly he opened my eyes and saw I was staring at him. I looked away shyly.

He got out if bed and scratched his neck akwardly and said "So its late and I dont think Im gonna be able to sleep again so.. do you wanna go to a little coffe shop downtown."

I thought about it. Going to a coffe shop with my old bully and enemy, or staying here paranoid.
I smiled and said sure. I had to cover up the big bruise on my face from the punch and put on some clothes that made me look like a bum.

When I was ready to go Channing walked out with me and the elevator was silent. Not awkward, just silent.

At the coffee shop it was dark already and cold so I ordered a cup of tea and a muffin. And he ordered a medium coffe and a muffin also.

When the old lady brought us our stuff she said "Its Nice to see couples coming here. This place really seems to make people get closer. You guys make a good couple too."

"Thanks." Channing said. I was suprised he didnt deny it. After moments of silence he finally asked.

"What happened last night? Just please tell me the truth."

Should I tell him? Can I trust him is the real question. By the look on his face I felt I could so I went to his side of the bench and said shakingly

"I-I got rapedd."

Channing was silent for a moment, I could tell he was thinking.

"By who?"

"You really think I would know." I gave him a 'of course I don't know look'

I dont know what cane over me but I put my head on channings shoulder and cuddled with him.

"When I was 7." He began. "My dad hit my mom and gave her a black eye."

Whys he telling me this? I thought but still listened.

"I was so angry I wanted to beat him up. But I was just a child. He never stopped hitting her. One day I snapped when i was 15 and I punched my dad and threw hin to the wall. He left that day, never to return."

"Im sorry." I said.

"Its okay. It just hurts that I never got to see my dad. I guess he just really didn't care about me."

"My dad molested my sister and I ever since we were 8. He would touch us.a He hit us, almost killed me once." I told him tears rolling down my cheeks.

He pulled me closer to him and put his arm around me. "What did your mom do about it?"

"She didnt care." I said coldy. "She was an alcoholic, would sell her body for money. But shes better now."

Channing kissed my forehead. I felt special here. He gave me his attention and made me feel good.
"I've seen lots of things and done things at an age where it would probably be illegal. Of course you're bullying didn't help, thats why I have depression and panic attacks. I take 2 pills a day but they just dont work. I need someone not some stupid pills!" I cried in his arms.

"I know I've done bad stuff to you. In sorry I truly am."

I just nodded my head. "Im there for you now, and forever." He said.

I dont know why I did this but, soon my lips were on his. It felt... good. He broke the kiss.

"We should get going." He said after a while. I nodded and we paid and left. At night I couldn't stop wondering what had happened? We were just enemies now were friends?

I don't know where we stand but for now, I went to sleep with a smile on my face.




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