Chapter XIX

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"I know, I know." I spied on channing. He was talking on the phone.

"Yeah, August is a great girl but..."

But what?

"I know I had a crush on her but,"

Wait what? I thought I had "nothing to worry about."

I stopped listening then. That question I asked him last night, he didn't choose.

Well I know what I have to do.

Yes, kill the Bitch.

No dumbass, I think we should take a break.

So break-up?

Your stupidity is killing me. I said break, as in not see each other for a while.

Yeah thats a good idea...

I walked back inside my room and channing 'suddenly' ended his phone call.

"You know I barely got enough sleep last night beause of you."

Fucking good.

I turned to the other side of the bed and checked my messages on my phone.

"So your ignoring me now?" He asked in disbelief.


He rolled his eyes and began walking to the door.

"Wait." I called after him.

Wtf are you doing.

"Sit right here." I patted next to me.

Don't worry I know what I'm doing.

I stared him right in te eye and he arched his eyebrow in confusion.

"Did you have a thing with August before we started dating." I asked him bluntly.

He sighed. "Yes."

"And you didn't tell me." I said calmly. I feel like going all crazy hispanic girlfriend on him but I'll keep my cool.

"Because it didn't matter."

My eyes widened. "Doesn't matter?! Do you know how many people who used to date get back together?? Or maybe even have an affair."

"Your afraid of me having an affair? So basically you don't trust me."

"Of course I trust you." I sighed. "I just don't trust that bitch down the hall."

He groaned "Not this again."

"You really believe her over your girlfriend?"

"Anna." He began. "You sound paranoid. Your just imagining this stuff in your head."

I gaped at him "did you iust call me crazy?"

"What? No-"

"Ugh I can't deal with this."

I took my shoes and i walked out. He makes ne so mad I wanna just strangle her.

I took the stairs because I just watched a movie where some people died in an elevator.

I opened the door.

"Relationship problems?" He said cockily making me freeze in my tracks.

Well this is a great morning. Even now he still made me scared.

"Cat got your tounge?"

I can kill you right now.

He pushed me against a wall and I could feel him breathing against my neck.

A Bit of Love/Hate (Channing Tatum)Where stories live. Discover now