Part 50

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Me: I don't think they are able to stay together for so long

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Me: I don't think they are able to stay together for so long. *texts to everyone* Come here.


Mortis: Don't you know something about that my closet is gone?

Me: Why do you think I would steal your closet?

Mortis: you know why.

Pam: You two can talk about it later. Vakuna, why are we here?

Me:*shows a dare* You will have showers, beds and food. And do you everyone can eat vegetarian things? It was cheaper than meat.

Brawlers except Mortis: yes

Mortis:*growls through his teeth* You're fucking idiot, Vakuna.

Pam:*gives Mortis a slap*

Mortis: Ouch! For what it was?!

Pam: You should control your language.

Mortis:*rolls his eyes*

Me: Okay, let's teleport you in that room what I created for you. *teleports them*

----------------------------------------------------In room-----------------------------------------------

Brawlers:*start looking around*

Mortis:*looks in fridge and talks to himself* Damn. She wasn't joking. There is no meat. *sighs* Looks like I'm going to be hungry. *closes fridge and goes to talk with Bibi*

Colt:*lays in bed* This is more soft than bed I have home. It's awesome!

Collete:*shakes with Edgar* I can't believe I'm so close to everyone! Aren't you happy too?!

Edgar: Don't touch me and no, I'm not happy.

Rosa: Guys, have someone problem with that I will cook?

Nita: I think everyone are okay with that.

Rosa: Nice!

---------------------------------------------------After few hours----------------------------------------------

Rosa: Guys! I made lunch!

Brawlers except Mortis:*go to sit to table*

Piper: Mortis, you're not going to eat?

Mortis: Well, I can't eat that.

Piper: You mean vegetables? Why can't you eat vegetables,  are you allergic or something?

Mortis:*takes a deep breath* I'm not herbivore, but I'm carnivore, sometimes I can eat like omnivore, but I can't eat vegetables or fruit without meat. I'm not able to digest it. So no, I'm not going to eat and if you don't need me, I'm going to sleep, because I'm tired. *goes to bed*

Brawlers:*looking on him*

Nita: Well, that was something.

-----------------------------------------------------Next day-------------------------------------------------------


Mortis:*his stomach growls and he wakes up* Perfect, now I will not sleep anymore. I think I can take some exercise. *stands up and looks on others* Am I really the only one who is awake? *looks on Edgar* He sleeps without scarf. His neck looks good. *licks his lips* Would someone even notice? His blood was delicious and I'm really hungry, maybe I could take a bite. *thinks about it* Maybe I should really go exercise and don't think about this anymore.


Mortis:*takes a shower* It's so much relaxing.

Nita: What kind of idiot is taking shower in 8am?

Mortis: And the all relax is gone. *dry himself and takes pants* It was me, Nita.

Nita: Why are you awake? And how long?

Mortis:*takes t-shirt* How long? I think 2 hours. And why? *his stomach growls* I was hungry. And I think it wouldn't be better, but worse. So if I will be rude or something, it's because I'm hungry.

Nita: Oh and why would you take a shower?

Mortis: I was exercising.

Nita: Do you also think it's right moment to end this conversation?

Mortis: Perfect idea.

Mortis and Nita:*go to do something else*

-----------------------------------------------23:59 and few seconds----------------------------------------

Brawlers:*siting around table with party hats*

Mortis: I just wanted to say, this is not something which deserves a party.

Bibi:*digs into him with elbow* Come on, you was only two days without food and you're so negative. Be positive!

Collete: Shut up everyone! It's ten seconds to midnight!

Brawlers: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!

Collete: We're free!

Brawlers:*are teleported back in my house*

Me: How it was?

Mortis:*pushes me away from the door* Get out of my way.

Piper: Where are you going?

Mortis:*turns to Piper* I'm going to forest to kill and eat the first animal which will cross my way and will be bigger than squirrel and I don't want to see any of you until it will be mine decision to see any of you! *leaves*

Me: What have you done to him?

Piper: We found out that he's carnivore so he can't eat vegetables.


*wears party hat* I can't believe we're at first quarter of this book and I want to thank all of you who reads this book, votes and writes truths or dares, because without you I never could do this. I hope you will be with me. I love you guys. <3

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