~Chapter 26: I Feel Awkward

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~Chapter 26: I Feel Awkward

            “What?!” I said, standing up. “It’s out?! How are we gonna get back?! How far are we from shore?”

            “A few miles, maybe.” Niall shrugged and sat back down next to me. “It’s fine. We can wait together here.”

            “How is that fine?! Did you call someone to come get us? Did you send a distress signal or something? We’re going to starve!” I exclaimed. “We’re going to be stranded here and we have no food!” I watched Niall suspiciously. “What are you up to?” I asked.

            Niall smiled and opened up a cooler next to him. “I’ve got whatever you want right in here.”

            I watched him. “So… you’re telling me… that if I asked for a meatball marinara Subway footlong, you’d have one?” I laughed.

            “Coming right up,” Niall said, taking a Subway footlong out of the cooler.

            “What the f…” I stared at him in shock.

            He smiled at me. “Hey, I love their meatball marinara too.” Niall laughed.

            I shook my head. “Well, whatever you’re planning…” I took the Subway and walked over to the controls. I checked the fuel tank. It really WAS empty. “What time is it, Niall?”

“It’s almost 2:30 in the afternoon,” Niall replied. I walked back to him and sat down.

           “Well, looks like we’re stranded here.”

            “But we’re stranded together.” Niall laughed and I looked at him.

            “You seem to be enjoying this,” I mumbled, raising an eyebrow.

            “What? So you DON’T like spending time with me alone?” he asked innocently. I looked away from him, trying not to smile. He poked me in the stomach.

            “Stopppp, Niall,” I said playfully. I put down my Subway and nudged him back playfully. “I’m really ticklish.” Niall put down his Subway also and tickled me nonstop until I couldn’t breathe. “Okay… that’s… enough.” For a moment, we just sat together silently. I was such a different person when I was alone with Niall. “You know, Niall… you’re probably the only person I like. I practically hate everybody else.” I shrugged. “Well, you know what I mean.”

            Niall laughed and lifted a guitar up from the seat next to him. And… he has a guitar with him too. Why am I not surprised? I thought to myself. “I want to sing you a song.”

            “Okay. Which song?” I asked. “By One Direction?” I laughed. “That’s all I heard about everyday in school. One Direction this, One Direction that… I was never interested.”

            “You weren’t interested in us?” Niall asked softly. “In me?”

            “Yeah… until Adriana told me you guys stopped depression. And when you sang ‘Little Things’ to me.” I smiled at the floor of the boat shyly. “It’s a beautiful song.”

            When Niall didn’t reply, I looked up at him. “Every time you smile shyly away from me, I always want to tell you how adorable you look…,” Niall said, his eyes widening.

            I felt myself blush. “Oh my gosh, stop it, Niall.” I laughed and turned away shyly.

            “You just did it again.” I looked back at him, trying not to smile. I failed. “Do you know how to play the guitar?” Niall asked. I shook my head. “Come here. I’ll teach you.”

            I scooted onto his lap and took the guitar. Niall put his arms around me on the guitar, his hands on mine. “This looks difficult,” I said.

            “It’s not really,” Niall replied softly. I could feel his breath on my neck, sending little chills down my back. I laughed nervously.

            “I feel awkward,” I confessed.

            “It’s only awkward if you make it awkward.” Once again. Chills down my back. “Now, if you just put your fingers here…”

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