~Chapter 49: He's Nowhere Near Niall

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~Chapter 49: He’s Nowhere Near Niall

            I walked through town slowly, thinking about the scene at the police station. A few girls passed by me, throwing rude comments. “Ew, it’s you. Stay away from Niall. He was supposed to be mine, you know. Not yours. You’re just a fake.”

            I glared at them. I wanted to punch them, but I wasn’t that person anymore. Before I could reply, I heard someone else call out. “You know, hating her is not gonna make him love you.” I turned around and saw Janelle.

            “Who are YOU?” the girl who insulted me asked.

            “I’m Cordelia’s friend, and if you so much as lay a finger on her, you’re gonna have to face me.”

            “Ugh, let’s go, girls. We’re not gonna waste our time on two low-life’s.” The group of girls walked away as I cursed them.

            I turned and smiled at Janelle. “Thanks.”

            She smiled back. “You’re welcome.”

            We started walking together as I asked, “Hey, you know Officer Sheridon?”

            “Yeah. What about him?” Janelle asked.

            “Does he like… have a daughter or something?”

            “No… not that anyone knows of. He’s a real quiet guy. Never mentioned about a daughter. But I think either he’s divorced or something happened to his wife. He used to be a real cheerful guy about fifteen years ago, but then all of a sudden, he changed one day. Just… stopped talking to people I guess. Why?”

            “I don’t know. He just seems like such an odd guy… Don’t you think?”

            “I guess…”


            “Babe, the boys and I are gonna be a bit busy lately since we’ve gotta go to photoshoots and meetings and the studio, so I can’t spend as much time with you. I’m sorry, baby.” Niall leaned across the table and kissed me.

            I smiled. “It’s okay, Niall. You just sound sleep-deprived.”

            He laughed. “Time for bed, then.”


            When I woke up, Niall was already gone for his meeting. I texted him “Good morning, babe” and got changed. It was ten in the late morning when I left the house. I decided to pay a visit to the police station again.

            I made my way to the police station and walked in. “Hi, is Officer Sheridon here?” I asked the chief at the desk.

            “Which one, the older one or his son?” he asked, but then added, “Well according to your age, you best be looking for his son. He’s pretty popular around here. Seems to be the pride and glory for girls around these days.”

            I blushed and shook my head. “I thought it was Niall Horan.”

            “Bah, Niall Horan. That lad was always running around these parts when he was young. Still remember him.”

            I smiled. “He’s my boyfriend.”

            The chief sat up. “Then why’re you here, asking for some other guy when you’re with Niall?”

            I rolled my eyes. “Please, I’m not interested him. He’s nowhere near Niall.”

            “Who’s nowhere near Niall?” I heard a familiar voice ask. I turned around and saw Cornelius. He smiled a gentlemanly smile. “Are you looking for someone?”

            “Y-you actually,” I said, still a bit startled.

            He raised an eyebrow. I could see why the girls were so charmed about this guy. I mean, he was definitely something. But Niall was more than just SOMETHING. “You were looking for me?” Cornelius asked.

            I shrugged. “Well unless there’s another guy here that’s tall, blonde, has bright blue eyes, and has all the girls charmed about him.”

            He laughed. “You just described Niall James Horan.”

            I blinked and looked at him. “You know I’m with him? But… you’re a guy.” I gasped and narrowed my eyes at him. “Do you like One Direction?”

            Cornelius laughed and replied, “Honestly, kind of. The lads are nice, I agree. Definitely something. But I mean overall, I feel like he’d be the only guy that deserves you.”

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