The Gathering

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                         Somewhere in a dark Void three entities sit conversing.

                     Fate a beautiful blonde with eyes of milky white spoke first. "We've seen enough of this perpetual downfall. It's time for a change, don't you agree?"

                    From the left of Fate stood an equally beautiful being with features that are ever changing. that being is Destiny "Indeed. The threads of their lives are entwined with his, yet they remain oblivious to his existence."

               A third voice speaks from the shadows as the last of the group steps into the light. Death is a being that looks just as the thing it personifies, peaceful yet haggard with hair the color of blood but eyes that promised a calm and loving embrace to carry you away. "Then let us show them the life of Stiles Stilinski, or should I say, Henrik Mikaelson. Perhaps understanding will lead them to a different path."

                  Together, they weave a new possibility into the fabric of reality, hoping this intervention will steer the world away from its relentless collapse.

---------- Mystic Falls -----------

It was during the Mikaelson ball that a bright flash of light grabbed not only the Mikaelsons, but also the Scooby-Gang that was in attendance.

---------- Beacon Hills ------------

The pack were all sitting around discussing how Scott kicked Stiles out of the pack after the Nogitsune possession and Donovan's death

Derek: "Look as much as the kid annoyed me, he wasn't in control of his body. To punish him for something like that seems excessive."

Scott: "He killed Allison. He killed all those deputies and nurses. Sure, he was possessed by the Nogitsune, but what about Donnavan? What is his excuse for that?" Before they could keep arguing a bright light flashed taking the pack with it.

----------- Unknown Realm ------------

In a room filled with darkness you can see the outlines of 18 people slumped over in theater seats.

In the front row you have Scott, Derek, Peter.

Second row is Liam, Issac, and Lydia

Forth row is Stefan, Caroline, and Damon.

Fifth row is Matt, Elena, and Bonnie

Seventh row is Finn, Kol, and Rebecca.

Last row is Niklaus and Elijah.

Slowly everyone woke up.

[Thank You for coming. I have brought you all here into a pocket dimension to show you the life, and hardships of someone you all may know or are soon to know.]

A voice that sounded a mixture of male and female said.

Klaus stands up eyes flashing and spoke with a growl " What is the meaning of this!"

Damon did much of the same also showing his vampire face and getting into a defensive posture in front of his brother and Elena

The sudden shift in scenery left the pack, however, confused.

Derek and Peter Hale being the only ones to heighten their senses and get ready for a fight as they scan the unfamiliar theater.

Lydia's voice cuts through the confusion, "Where are we?" Her eyes, wide with curiosity, reflect the dim lighting of the room.

Issac, ever the pragmatist, stands defensively, "Does it matter? We need to find a way out."

Scott, still grappling with his recent decision, looks around trying to figure out where they are and more importantly, why they were brought here.

[Hello Hale-McCall pack, Scooby-Gang, and Mikaelsons! I have brought you here today to watch the life of a very important person! Don't worry, while we are here time has stopped in the outside world. Bedrooms, bathrooms, and refreshments will be provided as needed. That includes blood of various types. Now, we will be watching the life of one Stiles Stilinski. Please sit down, I don't want to have to interfere in any fights. So, I will let you know that any actions taken with ill intent will result in the would-be attacker being frozen in place along with any supernatural abilities until the threat has subsided. You have been warned.]

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