The Scorch

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[Next we'll be looking at the Scorch. Some of it may be things I've already showed you.]

When Vince saw the scene of Mary's death he hung his head.

Finn places his hand on Vince's shoulder

"She wasn't just a colleague; she was the love of my life." Vince told him

Finn nodded his head.

" You cared for her." He said.

It wasn't a question. No one could question the look of love and grief in his eyes.

"You know, when Mary got hit, it was more than just a shock; it tore a hole right through me." Vince wiped away a stray tear.

Finn squeezed his shoulder in response

The room was alive with the sound of voices, each one carrying the weight of their own story. "You don't get it, do you?"

Thomas's voice was tinged with frustration. "It's not just about surviving; it's about living with the choices we make."

Newt nodded, his gaze steady. "And we stand by those choices, together." The words hung in the air, a silent pact between them. Minho's laughter broke the tension.

"Remember that time in the Maze, when you thought that Griever was a 'dead slug'?" The memory elicited a round of chuckles, a brief respite from the gravity of the situation they faced.

Gally's voice was gruff but warm. "We've been through worse, and we're still here. That's got to count for something."

The camaraderie was palpable, a shared strength that bound them together.

"We're more than just Gladers now," Frypan added, "we're family." The sentiment was echoed by nods and murmurs of agreement.

"And family sticks together, no matter what," Klaus declared, his voice firm with conviction.

The conversation shifted, words weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and unspoken understandings.

"Sometimes, I wondered what life would be like outside of the Maze," Thomas mused aloud.

"No walls, no rules..."

"Just freedom," Newt finished for him, a wistful smile on his lips.

"Alright, everyone, let's take a deep breath," Thomas began, trying to instill calm into the group. "We've been through worse, right?"

Newt nodded, his gaze fixed on the screen as it flickered back to life. "The Scorch isn't going to be easy to watch, but we've got each other."

Klaus, rubbing his hands over his face, couldn't help but add, "Maybe I need to add a padded room to the manor after this, just in case."

Elijah, ever the voice of reason, agreed with a nod. "It might not be the worst idea, considering what we've seen. A psychiatrist would be a good thing to add as well"

Minho's laughter echoed through the room, a sound that seemed out of place in their grim reality. "A psychiatrist? Come on, we're all a bit mad here."

Thomas sighed, the weight of their situation heavy on his shoulders. "I'm not crazy, Elijah. They'll lock me up if I even mention half of what we've seen."

Kol's laughter cut through the tension. "They'd have to catch you first, mate," he said, exchanging a high five with Minho.

As the next video started, Kol's eyes sparkled with mischief at the sight of the stun gun. "I want one of those."

"No!" came the collective shout from the Mikaelsons, except for Thomas, who looked at Kol with a mix of confusion and amusement. "Don't worry, I'll get you one. We have plenty."

Kol's grin was infectious, even as the others looked on with varying degrees of worry and confusion.

Jorge turned to Brenda, his curiosity piqued. "When did that happen? Did you get bit because of that?"

Brenda turned away, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, choosing silence over answering.

Peter whistled, clearly impressed. "That's some grip you've got there, Stiles. Holding her with one arm in a dead fall? Impressive."

Derek's smile was soft, proud. "He's always been strong. Held me in deep water for hours when I couldn't move."

Scott's huff of annoyance was almost lost in Isaac's interjection. "And that was before he even had any real power."

Lydia's wince was subtle but noticeable. "The buzz cut phase," she said, a hint of humor in her voice.

The group's pitifullooks towards Thomas were a stark contrast to Newt's supportive grip on hishand. "You're not getting a buzz cut, not if I have anything to say aboutit."

Kol's excitement was palpable as he turned to Jorge. "Your music taste is impeccable."

Elijah's nod was one of agreement, while Klaus seemed to be plotting something, a glint in his eye.

Peter's respect for Jorge was clear. "You've got good taste, man."

Rebekah covered her eyes: OH MY GOD!!! WE DON'T NEED TO SEE THAT

Minho flopped on to Kol covering his eyes dramatically "I'm blind!"

Gally fake gagged from next to Elijah who was slightly upset that his brothers private life was being aired like some bad tv drama.

Lydia and Peter both wolf whistled in appreciation.

Klaus is seething at someone being with his baby brother. 

Derek gave a slow clap while others in the pack look impressed

Scott had a disgusted look on his face "I don't get it! You've been in love with Lydia your whole life! You even had that stupid 10-year plan to make her fall in love with you! How can you be gay?"

Thomas raised an eyebrow "Well, you see Scott. When two men love each other very much-"
Newt covered Thomas's mouth with his hand while looking both amused and embarrassed.

[I'm sorry. You weren't supposed to see that. Why don't we take a break while I figure out what's going on over on my end]

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