The Maze

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Thomas: Do we have to show them the Maze? I don't know these people (points to the Hale-McCall pack) and my family will just get pissed..

Newt rested a gentle hand on Thomas' arm: they're your family Tommy. They are supposed to get angry for you.

Minho chips in excitedly: Plus these shanks(points to the pack) get to see how jacked you are!

Kol throws his arm around Minho: your going to need to teach me your slang darling. It sounds fun.

Minho blushes a bit: Oh..good that.

Gally talks seeing as Minho is.. preoccupied: Klunk means shit or crap
Shank means friend or fellow.
Buggin' means Freakin' Stinkin' Stupid
.Shuck is like saying fuck or shit when your angry or frustrated

Slim-It is calm down or shut up
.Slinthead is an insult when you shuck up
Green bean or Greenie is a newbie
Good That is saying you agree
Dong means shit also but is also a insult
Jacked means messed up in the head or crazy

Rebecca: So what did Henrik do that made Minho say he was 'Jacked'

[Good question Becca I knew there was a reason your my second favorite Mikaelson after Henrik! Hows about I show you?]

Liam, his voice tinged with confusion and fear, broke the silence. "What the hell are those!?" he exclaimed, pointing at the screen where images flickered and danced, revealing creatures and memories best left forgotten.

Gally, ever the pragmatist, responded with a grimace. "Grevers. They live in the maze; their stinger has something in it that makes you remember, but you end up jacked," he explained, his eyes not leaving the haunting images before them.

Minho, with a pointed look towards Thomas, added, "That is till this Shank stabbed himself with it to get his memories back." He gestures towards Thomas, who averted his gaze from Klaus and Newt.

He didn't want to be questioned of the desperate measures he had taken in a time of distress.

Derek, whose presence commanded attention, spoke with an authority that resonated within the walls. "I have to say you'd make a perfect alpha. Better than most I've seen," he mused, his eyes locked on Thomas. "I could give you the bite if you want?" he offered, the weight of his words hanging in the air like a challenge.

Jorge, with a dismissive wave of his hand, interjected, "Don't bother. Hormino here already turns into a big dog on the full moon."

His revelation silenced the room, the shock palpable as they processed the implications of his words.

Klaus, his voice barely above a whisper, sought understanding. "But... How?" he asked, the question directed at no one and everyone at the same time.

The answer came but not from anyone in the room. The voice from earlier spoke its words unraveling the threads of a dark tapestry.

 [You weren't your mother's only indiscretion, Niklaus. In fact, it's her fault Henrik died in the first place.]

The voice paused.

Stefan finally spoke up "How was she at fault? I thought Henrik died to werewolves?"

The Voice hummed

 [He had found out about his mother's adultery, and that Freya is still alive. He asked Klaus to the woods on the full moon knowing they wouldn't be attacked so he could reveal what he found to Klaus. However, their mother found out he knew and had done a spell on the wolves that centered all their bloodlust onto Henrik, causing his death.]

The revelation sent waves of anger through the room, the fury of the betrayed and the wronged burning bright in their eyes.

Damon, unable to hold his rage, voiced the thoughts of all. "What kind of mother kills her own kid!? Then she what!? PLAYED THE GRIEVING MOTHER AND CREATED VAMPIRES TO KEEP HER FAMILY SAFE?! OR WAS THAT JUST A COVER UP BECAUSE SHE WANTED IMMORTALITY!?!" His words were a fire that consumed the last vestiges of any respect for the so called 'Original Witch' and matriarch of the Mikaelsons.

Kol, with a clarity born of his own cunning, pieced together the puzzle. "That actually makes sense. Why risk losing her magic when she can evaluate the effects of the spell on her magic wielding children? Mikael wouldn't have let her do the spell on me and Finn alone. So, she would have to use it on all of us to cover her tracks"

Elijah continued his brothers thought "She didn't take bloodlust into account, so after Nik killed for the first time and broke his curse, she had to chain his wolf. She wasn't expecting him to kill her..." His words trailed off, the implications hanging heavy in the air.

Finn, the weight of centuries in his voice, spoke of the heartache that had been their companion for far too long. "So, all this time...Freya has been alive and alone. She calls us monsters yet as our mother she has used us as pigs for the slaughter." His realization was a somber note in the cacophony of emotions that filled the room.

The narrative continued; The Voice offered a glimpse into Stiles's worst moments. [You're not the only ones who felt like that.]

Everyone turns to Scott who pales knowing what the voice is about to show won't be pretty

Liam scratches the back of his neck nervously "In his defense he's usually right 99% of the time. This time being one of those times."

Derek nodded his head in agreement "His paranoia has saved our lives more times than we can count."

Scott looks away ashamed knowing they are right, but his pride is not letting him acknowledge it.

[Why don't we all take a quick breather beforewe get more in depth a

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