Future Part one

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[Welcome back from the break. I'm sorry about the, Uh, incident earlier. I can only assume Chaos decided to swing by and have some of his brand of fun. Now onto the reason I've brought you here.]

Curious murmurs spread throughout those in attendance. This was after all what most have been asking themselves since the beginning. Sadly, the hushed voices weren't to stay that way for long as Scott pipped up with his usual level of confusion.

"Wait, I thought you already said we were here to watch Stiles's life?" He tilts his head looking around him to see if anyone else had the same thoughts. "Was there something I missed?"

A noise that sounded a lot like someone banging their head against the wall could be heard. Everyone turns to the source of the noise only to see Thomas smacking his head against the wall, and Newt snickering beside him. This scene causes many in the crowd to laugh. Mainly Kol, Minho, Damon, and surprisingly enough Derek who was laughing so hard he was gripping his sides hunched over.

[What is about to be shown is a future best left in the past. Too many times we've sat here watching your worlds collapse repeatedly. We've traced it all back to Henrik, or rather the lack of him.]

"Indeed, the absence of Henrik has left a void that echoes through your realities," the speaker continued, his voice a calm anchor in the sea of murmurs. "But let us not dwell on the shadows of what could have been. Instead, let's illuminate the paths that were taken, the choices made, and the lives lived."

Scott, still wearing his confusion like a second skin, nodded slowly. "So, we're here to see how things could've gone differently?" he asked, the gears in his mind visibly turning.

"Yes, Scott," the speaker affirmed, "to observe, to learn, and perhaps to find closure in the myriad of possibilities that branch out from a single moment in time."

Thomas ceased his rhythmic head-banging and turned, his expression one of dawning comprehension. "It's like looking at an alternate universe, then?" he proposed, rubbing the sore spot on his forehead.

Newt chuckled, the sound warm and knowing. "Exactly, Tommy. An alternate universe where one change ripples out to touch everything else."

The crowd settled, their laughter fading as the gravity of the situation settled upon them once more. Kol's eyes were sharp, analytical, as if trying to piece together a puzzle before the pieces were laid out. Minho's gaze was steady, the laughter gone, replaced by a warrior's focus. Damon's smirk held a touch of melancholy, a recognition of the fragility of fate. And Derek, his laughter subsided, now looked on with a somber mood.

The Voice spoke again, and the room hushed. 

[Prepare yourselves," he intoned. "For what you are about to witness is not just a tale of what might have been. It is a reflection of the Times that have been but will hopefully never be] 

The screen flickered once more, and the room darkened as images began to play out before them. 

As the narrative unfolded, each person in the room found themselves drawn into the mind set of 'what if.' They saw the laughter and tears of lives that had never been theirs. Yet felt achingly real. They witnessed the power of a single life to alter the course of history, the impact of one soul upon the world.

Damon goes and grabs Stefan in a tight hug then punches him "Don't you ever do that you hear me?"

Stefan smiles up at his brother with a look that says he'd do it all over again if it came down to it. "of course, brother."

Peter chuckles at Elijahs face as he's being outed as being the snarky one of the family rather than the Noble one.

The Mikaelsons sit shocked to see that one, Klaus can and did have a child, and two that both he and Elijah killed themselves to save said child.

[The core of the issues between Stiles and Scott. Scott, you do simply trust too much and yet you trusted a stranger over your friend]

When the lights came back on, there was a silence that spoke volumes. It was a silence of understanding, of empathy for the lives they had seen—a silence that acknowledged the profound truth that every choice, every moment, mattered.

The Deities looked out over the crowd of people they have brought together. 

[Remember this,] The Voice said softly. [The future is not set in stone. It is woven by the threads of your decisions, your actions, and your hearts.]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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