The Beginning

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[I hope you all are comfortable. We'll be starting with Stiles life in Beacon Hills.]

Scott and Stiles are standing by a locker
Scott: please tell me you have something better than handcuffs this time.
Stiles shows a giddy expression: Way better.
When Stiles opens the locker chains start to fall out gather the attention of everyone in the locker-room
Coach walks up
Coach: Part of me wants to ask. The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine.

Klaus, peering intently at the screen: "I don't know what game you think you're playing, but if that is really Henrik..." he trails off at the end a hint of longing in his eyes.

Rebekah, her voice quivering with a mix of hope and skepticism: "Henrik, after all these centuries, how can we believe this isn't just another illusion?"

Elijah, keeping his composure sits up straighter in his seat "We must consider every possibility, but let's not be hasty in jumping to conclusions." He says eyeing the screen with caution.

Kol and Finn sit shaken in their seats. Knowing magic as well as they do. They can tell this is no doppelganger, this is Henrik reborn. His memories maybe gone but his personality remains.

Damon, rolling his eyes: "Well, isn't this a fun family reunion. Next, we'll be having tea with Casper the friendly ghost."

Scott, trying to understand "His name isn't Henrik its Stiles"

(Video continues)

Coach: Stilinski! What the hell is wrong with your friend?

Coach pulls Stiles to him by his helmet

Stiles: Um...He's failing two classes. He's a little socially awkward, and if you look close enough, his jawline's kind of uneven.

Coach tilts his head looking at Scott.

Kol starts laughing "I see he still has his humor"

Everyone studies Scott

Derek surprisingly chuckles "Stiles is right. but Scott's jawline is the least of his worries."

Scott crosses his arms and huffs like a child.

Coach: Stilinski! Jackson.

Stiles: Sorry, Coach. I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him.

Coach: Oh? And when was that?

Stiles: Last time I saw him? Definitely the time I saw him last.

Some in the audience snicker at his witty reply.

(Scene Change)

Coach: Last words should have new meaning for all of us today...
Milessa: What the hell is he talking about?

Stiles: He does this every year.

Milessa: Seriously?

(Scene Change)

Stiles: I'm playing on the field with the team?

Coach: Yes. Unless you'd rather play with yourself.

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