Pocahontas Part 5

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At dinner Pocahontas smiled at her husband as he talked about the project him and Smith have been working on. Rolfe watched every moved she made. But kept her entertained and happy.

He had chosen a high end restaurant for the night. One Night was the name it was a five star. The little round, green table they sit at brought them closer together. They had a rosted prime rib served with au jus,, rosemary baby potatos, and steamed asparagus. To drink they had a nice red wine. And for dessert a molten lava cake with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top.

After they take a walk along the shore line. The sun had went down and you could see the moon out now. A couple of frogs sung in the distance as fish jump in the waters. The shadow of the moon and trees reflected off the river that flowed lazily through the park.

Pocahontas had taken her shoes off so that she could enjoy the feeling of the earth beneath her feet and the wetness as the waves slowly crept up onto the land. Rolfe walked beside her letting her lay her head over on him as they enjoy the calmness of the night.

Just the peace of them being out here almost made Rolfe change his plans. Put the bleeping of her phone was reason enough for him not to. He knew that the bleep was her text messages going off and he knew that it was Smith texting her. She had only left once during dinner tonight and taken her phone with her. He knew she probably called or text her boyfriend.

"It's so peaceful out here" Pocahontas says as she looks out at the bugs that dance on top the water.

"It is, I have a surprise for you though" Rolfe says

She looks up at him "What"

"It's not here, come on"

He grabs her hand she allows him to lead her back to the car. She was a little excited it had been awhile since he had surprised her with anything. But as they start out of town she starts to worry.

"John where are we going" she ask

"You'll see when we get there" He tells her

She smiles looking out of the window. She didn't like going far away from Thomas he was still so young.

It was late when they pulled onto a long dirt road. She watches in the dark as tree after tree goes by. There wasn't any light or houses on the road just pitch black darkness, gravel and more trees.

A dem light in the distance captured her attention and she sits up straighter looking out the front window. A small, brown log cabin appears, surrounded by more trees and a little porch that lead to the front door. The light came from the porch light that hung above it.

Rolfe parks the car in front the steps and looks over at Pocahontas with a smile. "What do you think" he ask

"It beautiful, but why are we here"

"I thought for tonight we could pretend to be on our first date"

She smiles "what about Thomas"

"I talked to Wendy before we left and she was fine with it. We'll be home by tomorrow afternoon" he told her

"And what about your job"

"I took a vacation day" he lied

He hadn't even talked to Smith about it but that didn't matter. If Pocahontas said anything to him about it he would know they been talking behind his back.

She smiles "Ok only for the night though I don't like leaving Thomas for so long"

He reached over and took her hand in his "It'll be fun" he tells her then brings her hand to his lips

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