Peter Pan Part 4

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Wendy had made sure her mother knew where she would be for the night. It was Mr. Pan's idea to meet at his house to go over the work. She had never been to a teachers house before. And it was quite shocking when she pulled into the driveway of a two story cabin.

She can't help but take in the garden in the front yard. The larg white and pink dog wood trees that dotted the driveway. The different flowers and plants that scattered about the property. And the small porch with the little swing to the front door.she counted at lest four windows in front of the house all with a wooden shutter. Peter's little blue car was parked out front by the steps.

Parking beside him she checked her reflection before getting out and climbing the steps. She didn't know why she was so nervous it's not like it was a date. They where just going over school work. She wore a light blue dress with white flats. Nothing fancy no makeup nothing like that. Nervously she knocked on the door and waited.

"You're early" Peter says as he opens the door in only a pair of jeans. No shirt, no shoes, just jeans.

"I can come back later" Wendy says as her eyes dance over his tone body

He smiles "it's fine come on in" he tells her moving aside to let her squeeze by

She bites her lip as she makes her way past him. As soon as she's in Nana comes running out of no where jumping up on her.

"Nana" Wendy says

"No Nana" Peter says trying to pull the dog off her. He looks at Wendy as he gets Nana under his control "You remember her"

"She use to be our dog" she says

"How much do you remember" he ask she shakes her head "Never mind, let me go put her up" he tells her "I'm sorry about that" he said taking Nana into another room

"It's fine I guess she's just happy to see me" she says

He comes out pulling a shirt on over his head. Nana wasn't the only one happy to see her.

"What's that smell, it's so delicious" Wendy says smiling "where you cooking"

"Oh, yeah I didn't expect you so early" he says "do you care to join me"

She smiles "Sure"

He leads her toward the kitchen "Usually Tink cooks for me" he tells her


"Tink, she's a friend of mine" he says

"Girl friend" Wendy ask

"No just friends"

"Right that's what they all say"

They sit at the round dinning room table now eating and chatting.

"So how did you get Nana" Wendy ask

"I don't think that's for me to tell you" he says

"Why not"

"What do you remember about your childhood"

"I remember Nana, the nursery. A lullaby being played but not much why"

"You really should talk to your parents about this. I'm not the one to tell you"

"How do you know about my past" she ask

He glacesing up at the clock "We should start on your work" he tells her "get your papers and you'll go to the den" he tells her standing

She nods going to the entrance where she left her bag. She finds him standing behind a bar.

"Would you care for a drink" he ask pouring his own glass of vodka and rum.

"Isn't it illegal to offer students alcohol" she ask taking a seat on the over size black couch

"As long as you're not under age" Peter tells her

"Last I checked eighteen was still under age to drink" she says

"Suit yourself" he tells her

He takes his drink sitting down beside her on the sofa. "Ok let's see what we have"

"Did you know my parents when I was younger" Wendy asked

He closes his eyes then opens them "Wendy I shouldn't have brought up the past" he tells her

"Then why did you"

"I don't know, being with you brings back memories" he tells her "You're parents are going worry if I keep you out late" he tells her

She smiles its a weak smile. They get into the lesson and forget about other things. It wasn't Peter's place to fell in that gap, it was something that her parents should have talked to her about.

They work for three hours before the clock strikes six. Peter looks up at it as he listens to it chime six times.

"It's late" he tells her

"Thank you for your help"

"We'll continue tomorrow night, go home get some rest" he tells her

"Did you always wannabe a teacher" she asked him as she put her things away

"No, I told my parents I never wanted to grow up" he told her

She smiled "what a strange thing to say"

"Have you ever read our tail Wendy" he ask her

"You're a tail" she ask

"So are you Wendy Darling" he tells her getting up he go's to his bookshelf pulling out an old used book dust falls from it as he removes it from its spot "take it home" he tells her "read it, it's not accurate but some of the details are true"

"Thank you" she says "Peter Pan and Wendy" she reads the title page out loud

"I'll see you at school tomorrow" Peter tells her

She smiles taking her books she heads home. It was eight when she got home. She pulled her shoes off and went to find her mom she had questions. Finding Mary Darling in the laundry room folding clothes.

"Hey mom" Wendy says

"Wendy you gave me a fright" Mary says

"Sorry, I just got home"

"How did the lesson go"

"Good, I seen Nana" she tells her mother

Mrs. Darling slows down on what's she's doing "Maybe you shouldn't go back over there Wendy"

"I have two more papers mom and Mr. Peter is harmless"

"Mr.Peter I thought it was Mr.Pan" her mother gives her a look

She bits her lip, "Mom, can you tell me about before, my childhood when Nana use to live here" Wendy ask

"Why do you ask" Mary ask

"I'm just curious is all"

"Somethings are better left in the past Wendy" she tells her daughter "Go on to bed you have school tomorrow"

"Yes ma'am"

Wendy hurries to her room, she changes into her pajamas then tucks herself into bed. Grabbing the book Peter had given to her out of her bag she starts to read it. Reading the first two chapter's than she put it away to read more tomorrow night. She smiled at how the beginning started. She was curious though how much of the story was the truth. And what her mother wasn't telling her.

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