To Tiffany's Place

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Yuri's Pov

"Oh shit!" I said as I now clicked on a button to make the motorcycle into a car. I drifted the car to its side while some zombies were hit and slam against the wire. I looked back and saw the military truck behind us with the electirc wire on out right side.
"Sica tell Sunny to tell them its time to kill while we make time for Sunny to move the car away." I said as I grab my sword.
"What about this car??" She asked as she got out from the car window ceiling.
"Dont worry. I'll get it. Now go to the truck and stay there if you dont want to die." I said as she nodded.
I went out with my sword as start slicing their heads off while I hear multiple gun shots from behind. Most zombies were down, but more kept on coming.
"Shit! This is never gonna end!" I shouted
"I agree. We're gonna ran out of ammo soon, if we keep this up." Seobaby shouted back as Taneg, Soo and Yoong nodded
I ran back to the car to click on the button to make it brief suitcase. Sica was out of the truck, hitting the zombies with the baseball bat.
"Follow me." I said as she nodded
We went up the stair case and some zombies came, but others were going to the others.
"Come over here you mother f***kers!!" I shouted and hit the bars as some zombies was walking to us.
As some were coming, me and Sica said people coming to save the others. The people in suits were blasting zombies away from the wires as the two people in suits were helping the others get to the other side
"Who the heck??" I said as I saw all of them getting off the truck to the other side of the wires.
"T-T-thats Fany's mom." I said as I saw her mom took off her helmet
Then Fany shouted
"I'll be waiting!! I'll be waiting at my place, so you two better be alive by then!!" I showed her a thumbs up and walked away from the stair case.
"Lets go." I said to Sica as she nodded.
We were running in the streets as we make our ways to Fany's house.
Taeyeon's Pov

As we four was still shooting, we hear footsteps coming and I looked behind me as I saw a ladder on the other side of the electric wires.
"Who's there??" I asked as a man wearing a suit said
"You guys are safe with us. get everything you need and we'll go to our base."
We all got down from the truck to the other sde
"What base??" Soo asked
"To the Hwang's base which is half house and half base." He said
"You mean daddy and mommy is there??" Fany asked
"Actually... You're mom is here Ms. Hwang." The man said as I saw Fany's mom took her helmet off and walked towards us
"Mom!!" Fany said as she hugs her mom.
"Its good seeing you and you're freiends alive, especially Taeng." Auntie said as I blushed
"Come. You 8 must be hungry. We'll go to our home while these mens will get the truck, so dont worry." She said as we nodded
As we were walking straight to Fany's house, I saw Fany turned around and shouted
"I'll be waiting!! I'll be waiting at my place, so you two better be alive by then!!"
We all saw Yuri showed us a thumbs up and walked away from the stair case.
"Come. lets hurry. Father will be happy to see you and all of you guys." Auntie said as we all nodded
As we got there, we all saw all of our parents
"APPA!! OMMA!!!" All 8 of us shouted as our parents looked at us and smiled with tears and hugged us.
"Its good seeing you all here." My Appa said
"Come, lets go eat now. Ya'll must be hungry." Soo's dad said
"Appa!!" Soo said
"Like father like daughter." We all laughed as we went to the dinning room where the food were.
Come back safe Yul, Sica.
Yuri's Pov

As me and Sica were running, we were in an empty street.
"I can see Fany's house from here." Sica said
"I dont want to use this motorcycle... We need to find one-- Well, hello.." I said as I saw a store with vehicles in it.
We went inside the store and it was empty.
"I'll find the supplies we need, you can pick out a vehicle." I said as Sica nodded
As I was done packing, Sica said
"How about this one??" She asked as it was like waterproof jeep car, but it wasnt a jeep car.. It was called Avenger 700.
As we got everything there and we put everything in, I started it up and drove off. We passed through a lot of zombies
"Well, this is getting interesting." Sica said
"Too interesting." I said.
"Do you got a plan??" Sica asked
"Yupp. Just wondering if you can handle it?" I asked
"I can."
"Hang on." I said as we went down a hill which had a shore at the end. We stop there as all the zombies fell off the stairs and then got back up as their recovery is flaless.
"We'll have to go through there." I said as I drove to the river

And thats the end...

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