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I dont know when the HSOTD season 2 is coming out... the "google" said its never going to be out since it "doesnt exist"... I dont know if this is real or fake if they are gonna make it, but I wanna see the season two.. Comment what you guys think cause on episode 12, they left us hanging for 5 years (Came out at 2010) and we want to see the next season.. Am I right??? I mean why would they leave us hanging like that and they continue to make more chapters on manga (Which is somewhat making season 2?? I think.. I dont know), but not the anime... Im a bit off of my HSOTD, but oh well...*Sigh* gotta go read the manga now.... if you want to read, any website is fine( I think.. Depending on what your using...but just use this >> http://www.mangareader.net/170-11326-1/high-school-of-the-dead/chapter-16.html), just start on chapter 16... thats where they leave Takagi's house. You're welcome. Continuing off where I left off on "MY" HSOTD...LOL
Yuri's Pov

We were still driving down the road and there were no signs of zombies YET... I finally reach to the place where we were suppose to go.... the docks.... We then stopped and waited as Uncle Soo went to get his sub boat from "underwater". [All of the Appa's and Omma's are uncles and aunties from Yuri's, Taeng's Fany's and Sica's Pov]. We waited for like an hour for Uncle Yeongwon. (Soo's Appa) to get the boat up to shore. After another 30 minutes, the sub boat finally came up and Uncle Yeongwon pop his head out of the sub boat and said
"Yo.. Lets go... Everyone will fit in... Remember, I invented this."
"No you didnt... Ji Hyunsung and his wife made this FOR you... Remember??" Uncle Jinwoo (Taeng's Appa) said as Uncle Yeongwon chuckled
"Right... haha... Come on in." He said...
Everyone got in... even the trucks are inside too since there were an entrance for them to go in. I took out the backpacks and gave one to Sica while I put the other backpack on my back. I transform the motorcycle to a suitcase. As I was the last one to get inside, I passed the suitcase to Sica and then looked up and saw Seoul towers were on fire and some were broken and some buildings were half gone since some of the floors fell off the building.
Goodbye Seoul. I said in my mind as I went inside the sub boat and closed the door
"Now that everyone is here, we'll have to go to the U.S and live there now, until the army from U.S will do anything to get back South Korea back." Uncle Jinwoo said as we all nodded.
"There's rooms in there... There should be enough for everyone to be in.. 2 per person." Uncle Ji (Seobaby's Appa) said as we all nodded
Me, Sica, Taeng, Fany, Sunny, Soo, Yoong, Seobaby, Krystal, Amber, Hyo and Nicole went to the rooms while our parents stayed in the control room and planning out what to do now.
"Haaa! Finally! A bed!" I said as I let my body fall on the bottom of the bunk bed.
"Its been a looong day.. Why dont we go to sleep??" Sica asked as she sets down the suitcase and I open my arms for her to be in.
She climb into the bed and went to my arms as I wrap my arms around her.. Her face was at the crook of my neck and probably smelling my scent..
"Are you smelling my scent??" I asked as she looked up at me, blushed and shook her head
"Are you sure??" I asked again as I saw her blush even more.
"Haha... Its okay, I was just teasing you.. Haha." I laughed as she hit my arm.
"Dont tease me!" She said as I laughed
"Hahaha.. Sorry... Its funny and cute when I tease you." I said smiling at her
"I hate you." She said as she turned her body around and her back was facing me
"I love you Sica. I love it when you blush and act cute... This person right in front of me, who's in my arms and always looking after me since the zombie act happen, this person will never hate me and love me until we get bitten and die together." I said as I saw her turn around and looked at me.
"Cheesy Seobang." She said
"This cheesy Seobang will love you forever." I said as I kissed her forehead.
"I love you too." She said as she gave me a peck on the lips..
"Good night Seobang." She said as she closed her eyes
"Good night Sica." I said as I kissed her forehead again and closed my eyes to go to my dreamland.
Taeyeon's Pov

Im in the room with my girlfriend, Fany [of course she would] Yah!! [What??] I heard that. [You heard nothing.] I can see it right in the story [what story??] Uhh.. You're story Blueboy.. [Haha whatever.. You dont see anything.. Cya!!] Weird.... anyways, Fany was lying on the bed and I took a quick shower... After I was done, I saw Fany sleeping with no blanket around her. I went towards her and took the blanket from the closet and cover her so she wont get sick. I kissed her head as she stirred, but was still sleeping. I went out of the room to let Fany sleep, I can still hear our parents talking about the plan. I didnt want to bother them, so I started to walk away until...
"Dae Appa??" I said as I slowly turned around to look at him.
"What are you doing here??" He asked
"I was going to walk to Yurl's room." I said
"Oh... Well... dinner will be done in 40 minutes.. Tell eveyone." He said as I nodded and continue my walking.
As I went into Yul's room, I saw her and Sica cuddling on the bed. I then nudge on her
"Yul.. Yul.. wake up.. wake up." I said as she groaned
"What??" She asked
"Get up. Dinner will be done in 40." I said as she got up
"Ok.. Im up.. I need to get up anyways."
"Why??" I asked
"Because I need to join our parents plan. You are join in, so is Seobaby." She said as she went into the bathroom.
"What? Why did they tell me??" I asked
"Because they were calling you before we left the mall, but you didnt hear them, so they told me to tell you to join them with me and Seobaby." She said as she started to brush her teeth.
"Oh.. Well.. I didnt know.."
"Yea... Cause you didnt even here them." She said
"Whatever. Im still joining." I said
"Okay, lets go." She said as we went out of the room and walk to the planning room.
As Yul opened the door, Seobaby and all of our Appa's are there except for Sica's family and Amber's family.
"Hey, you two are here. Come.. We are about to start." Appa said as we nodded.
"Okay, since everyone is here, lets start the plan." Uncle Yeongwon said
"We'll start moving towards the U.S. The military can probably help us to get South Korea back to the way it was." Uncle Ji said as we all nodded
"And what if they dont believe us??" Yul asked
"We'll have to show them the news. They'll probably believe us by then." Uncle Henry said (Yul's Appa)
"We'll have four base. One here by the beach, other one here in Chino, other one in Fresno and last one in LA." Appa said
"Dont worry, we bought the bases with our own money." Uncle Im said
"So, how are we going do to this??" I asked
"Well, we'll split into groups, since the EMP only exploded in South Korea, who know it might happen in the U.S. That's why, Uncle Ji will invent a device that can't be interrupt by the EMP." Uncle Henry said as nodded
"Ok... We'll plan more if anything changes. Let's go, dinner is probably ready by now." Uncle Yeongwon as our Appa went into the kitchen
"Like father, like daughter." I muttered as Yul nodded
Yuri's Pov

After our Appa's left to go to the kitchen, I went to the kitchen and all the Omma's were getting the food ready on the table while the Appa's were talking. I went into the kitchen to grab two bowls, two forks and spoons and a plate.
"Yuri... Where do you think your doing?? There's bowls, fork and spoon there on the table." Auntie Chanmi said (Taeng's Omma) as I nodded
"I know, but Jessica might not want to walk all the way over here, so I'm bring the dinner to her." I said as Omma nodded
"That's very sweet of you since you two are dating. Go ahead. You can go eat dinner in your room." Omma said as I nodded
"Thanks Omma. We'll eat with you guys next time." I said as she nodded and the other Omma smiled as I left and went into the dinning room.
I started to pick some food to put it on the empty plate.
"Hey Yuri.. What are you doing??" Uncle Yeongwon asked
"Im getting dinner." I said as I kept getting the food as his hand stop me
"You gotta wait for everyone else to come." He said as I was about to say something, but then
"She got permission to get dinner and eat in her room with Jessica, honey." Auntie Choa said (Soo's Omma said) as Uncle Yeongwon let go of my hand
"Oh... Well you should've said so Yuri. Gosh.." He said as he was starting to get embarrass.
After I was done getting the food, I walk towards the room where me and Sica is sharing. I went in and closed the door carefully. I set the food down on the table and tries to wake up Sica.
"Sica... Sica wake up." I said
"Mm.. 5 more minutes." She muttered
"Dinner is ready. Dont you want some??" I asked her
"Later." She said as she turned her body to face the wall.
"Ok.. I guess, I'll just leave you alone then." I said as I opened the door and then
"Im up!" She said as I was giggling at her reactions.
I grab the dinner off the table and put them on the bed with the tray underneath it.
"Dinner is good." She said as I nodded
"With all the Omma doing dinner, it feels like home again." I said as Sica agrees with me
"I miss this." She said as she leaned her head on my shoulder.
"Miss what?? The food or us??" I asked
"Us." She said
"I thought you loved him since you were just using me back then." I said sounding jealous and mad which I dont care.
"But them after all of this started, I finally found my feelings again for you." She said
"Well, before that actually. It was when I broke up with you... the part where you said 'I guess we're over.'"
"And then after that, you looked like you act it cool even if you were hurt in the inside." She said as she is saying right now is true
"I still loved you, but then I still like Donghae. It was hard to choose since I was getting blackmailed by the students at school." She added
"But still, you should've told me that you were getting blackmailed. I could have stop it." I said
"How?? How are you going to stop it??" She asked
"By teaching them some lessons." I said as I huffed
"Well, it doesnt matter anymore, now that we're together, nothing will stand in our way." She said
"Even zombies??" I asked
"Even zombies." She said as I nodded
"Come on, let's hurry up and eat so we can do it in bed." I said as she nodded, but then trying to process what I just said
"YAHH!! you wanna die!?" She asked as she hit my arm
"Oww.. Maybe, but you can do that after we do it in bed." I said as she kept on hitting me
"YAHH!!!! No sleeping with me tonight or kisses." She said
"What!? No!?"

Hey guys, its been sooo long, but yea... trying to update before I go to sleep now, Izumi is going to update Dangerous Seoul right now or in the morning at 5 or 6. Well, hope you like this chapter.. I'll be back for some more chapters. Comment below please if I miss anythin. Thanks
Gotta go and will update for you readers :)
Blueboy is going to sleep.
Good night guys!! (Or good morning to others)

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