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bold text are English ..... normal text are Korean
Yuri's Pov

It was 4:33 in the morning and Sica was still sleeping. I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't, so I went out of the room and went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge, took out a water bottle and start drinking it until I saw Uncle Yeongwon and Auntie Choa (Soo's Appa and Omma) came out of the control room and start making out on the couch.They were about to take off their clothes as I then spit out the water that was in my mouth as they stopped making out and looked at me while I was looking at them. Water was dripping off of my mouth as they were shocked to see me.
"Uhh... Hey Yuri... Um... We'll go to our room." Uncle Yeongwon said as he got up and fixed his clothes as Auntie Choa got up and quickly went to their room leaving me and Uncle behind
"Uh... See ya." He said as he ran to his room with Auntie Choa.
I could hear then fighting as I was cleaning up the kitchen floor. I sighed and shook my head
"Geez... Doing it on the couch while I was witnessing it.... fdbfkasjdfbknfofhfskjfjfjhgkdjvdfkjbvslda.... Gross." I said as I went in the control room.
As the door slide opened, I saw Appa sitting on the pilot seat and Omma was sleeping on the comfortable couch. I went towards Appa and sat next to him.
"Saw them doing it??" Appa asked as I nodded
"Geez... They're at it again." He said as he sighed
"Are we almost there??" I asked as he nodded
"In the next 2 hours, we'll reach California soon." He said as there was an awkward silent until
"Appa, do you think the zombies would come over to the U.S??" I asked
"Maybe... We dont know about that Yul. I just hope they dont." He said as I nodded
"Alright.. why dont you go to sleep??" He asked as I shook my head
"Why not??" He asked
"Cant sleep." I said
"I see."
"Well, we'll stay up for the next 2 hours and then we'll be at Cali starting a new life.. if we can." He said
As the 2 hours past, it was 6:27am and we reached to California. Appa drove us to the military's underwater base as he communicate with the U.S., they let us in and opened the gates from underwater.
Everyone woke up as we were here, Me and Appa went out of the sub as the U.S. military soldiers were pointing guns at us as the commander told then to stand down.
"Good morning Special Agent White."
"Good morning to you too, Commander Luhan." Appa said as he shook hands with the commander
"And you are....??"
"Yuri.. Kwon Yuri." I said as I shook hand with him and smiled as he smiled back
"My daughter." Appa said as Luhan nodded
"Follow me." He said as Appa looked back at the sub
"Dont worry Agent White, my soldiers will show them a place they can stay here, Am I right boys??" He asked as his soldiers said
"Alright. Follow me." He said again as Appa nodded as I followed along
"I heard South Korea had a lot of mobs full of zombies." He said as Appa nodded
"Yes. The virus or something is spreading all over South Korea and maybe North too." Appa said
"Yes. We heard from the control center in South Korea. In the last 5 hours, the zombies have reached North Korea." Luhan said
"I see."
"I'll asked the president to sent soldiers there to save your country. Please follow me." He said as we nodded
As we were in front of a door, the door slide opened as we were in the control room/meeting room. There was a loud room as Commander Luhan said
"Gentleman." He said as everyone stopped talking and looked at us
"This is Special Agent White and his daughter Yuri. They came here by a sub with other people and maybe the only survivors. Their country has been invaded by a virus or something made every Korean citizens zombies." He said as everyone was muttering
"Is this the virus that the control center in South Korea told us about??" One of the gentleman asked
"Yes, Special Agent White and I think there maybe survivors there, but we're not sure if there are." Luhan said
"I see. Lets call the President about it." Another gentleman said as he pressed the button
The big screen was on and a person popped up on the screen and said
"Good morning Gentleman. What can I do for you??" The President asked
"Hello President. There's been a problem in South Korea." a different gentleman said
"What seems to be a problem??" He asked
"There's been a virus or something that is spreading in South Korea last few weeks and it reached to North last 6 hours ago. We dont know how this happened and Special Agent White is here with his team and their children and came here to ask the U.S. military to help get South Korea country back. We need your permission sir." Luhan said
"Hmm... I see... I've been getting information about that. Okay... Send some troops there with Special Agents and his companies there, gentlemen. Dont forget to give me my report after this is done, understood Commander Luhan??" The president asked as Luhan said
"YES SIR!" He said as he saluted to the President
"President out." The President said as the big screen went back
"We'll send our best troops in." A gentleman said as the others nodded
"Thank you sir." Luhan said as me and Appa bowed and then left the room
"Ok... So the President agreed and all the gentlemen's will send in their best troops. I'll come to you as well. We will start supplying everything that we need to help you get your country back." He said
"Thanks." Appa said
"Anything for our cool Special Agent White." He said as he told us where everyone was staying and then salute Appa and walked away from us
As we were in the room with Uncle, Auntie and the others, they came to us and said
"So?? Will they help us??" Uncle Jinwoo asked as Appa nodded
"Sweet." Uncle Im said
"Change of plans, we will go back and look for survivors with the U.S Military." Appa said as all the Appa's nodded
"Appa. I wanna come with." I said as he shook his head
"No. You have to stay here." He said
"No. I will not stay here and let you get bit by them, I will have your back Appa." I said as he sighed
"Fine." He said as I smiled
"Me too." I heard Sica said
"I will too." Seobaby said as Yoong nodded
"Then we will too." Taeng and the others said
"Ok.. Hold on! I will decide and that's final." Appa said
"Yul, Jessica, Yoong and Seobaby will come, the rest will stay here." He said as we all went out of the room.
As we were outside of the room, a solider came to us and said
"We're about to be done with our supplies, Special Agent white, please come with me and I'll show you where your sub is." He said as Appa nodded
"Please show us the way." Appa said as the soldier nodded
"This way." the soldier said as he guided us
As we started to walked, I took Sica's hand and said
"You know, you dont have to come." She shook her head
"I need to... To see you not get bitten by them. Instead of me waiting for you to come back. I cant stand that.. I cant wait and then heard someone say that you were bitten by them... I need to come. I cant let my Seobang to die or turn into one. I cant lose the one I love anymore." She said as I smiled
"Okay. Come on.. We're gonna get lost if we stay here." I said as she nodded
I took her hand and we walked towards the others. As we were at the base where the sub is, we saw all the soldiers getting supplies ready. After they were done, we were beside Commander Luhan as he shouted
"ATTENTION!!" As the soldiers form into 10 by 10 rows.
"We're here today to save South Korea and maybe North Korea's country. But I must inform you guys before we go into battle field. There are zombies." He said as there were mutters
"QUIET!!" He shouted
"As I was saying, there's zombies there, so dont be afraid and shot them, Dont try to attract attention at all, it'll make more come to you. The noise you make, the more they will come to bite you all. We'll make some bases from each neighborhood. If there is zombies in there, use your silent pistol and hot them in the head without hesitation. Understand?!?!"
"PLACES EVERYONE!!" He said as everyone ran to their helicopter
As everyone was in their helicopter and landed on their ship, we got in our sub and got our communication with them.
"Luhan. Do you copy? Commander Luhan." Appa said on the mic
"Heard you loud and clear, Special Agent White." He said
"Tell everyone to stay inside the ship... There's probably a smell that can be outside and turn into a zombie. I repeat, Tell every soldier to stay inside the ship. Dont let anyone out until we reached to South Korea." Appa said
"Ok. I understand. I will inform everyone. Thanks for the tip. Commander Luhan out." He said
"Ok. Everyone ready??" Appa asked as everyone nodded
"Ok. Let's go then." Appa said as the start up the engine and went underwater and drive back to South Korea.
South Korea... We're coming to take you back... Wait for us cause we'll wipe every zombie off that country and rebuild the South Korea that was once peaceful before all of this started... We're coming after you for f*cking zombies!

Ello! Blueboy here!! Updated for some readers that were curious of what's gonna happen next on my COTD. It's gonna be wayyyy different than the manga... I'll probably try to wait for the next chapter to come out and read it and then update another chapter or just make something up. Sorry for the errors and yea. Gotta go, gotta update stories!

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