The unexpected guest has arrived

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Sunny's Pov

I woke up early and walked outside to get some air. At the back yard is where all the other people who survive camps back there, those who are trying to be alive or those who just wants to be away from the zombies... They have no idea how its like to be on the field... I then let out a sigh
"Whats with the big sigh??" I heard someone asked.
I looked behind me and saw Soo.
"How lucky we are to be alive." I said as she nodded
"But you might not know... they could come here if they hear us." She said as I hit her arm.
"YAH! Dont say that... Are ou trying to jinx us??" I asked as she smiled and shook her head
"Fine.. I wont say anything." She said as she walked away.
"Yah... Wait up." I said as I was next to her
"How long do you think we'll survive in this mess??" I asked her
"Dunno... As long as we can survive in this mess." She said as I hit her again
"Stop copying what I say." I said
"What?? I never did."
"Yes. You did."
"Whatever.. So do you know how to fix this truck??" She asked me
"Of course I can... I was born to fix everything. Its part of my familys blood line." I said as I started to fix the truck as Soo was watching out for me.
Taeyeon's Pov

I got up from the bed and looked around...
"Ugh... Where am I??" I asked myself
"We're at my place remember??" I heard Fany say
"Ohhh... Heh... I forgot." I said as I lied back down on the bed and cover myself with the blanket that smells like Fany
"Yah... Are you smelling my blanket??" She asked
I peeked out of the blanket and said...
"Yah... Dont smell my blanket." She said tugging it away from me
"No... I like it." I said tugging it towards me
"No!! Give it back!"
"No!! Give it to me Fany~ah!"
We went back and forth until I let go and fell on top of Fany. Both of us was blushing as we were staring at each other... I mean.. we seen each other naked and stuff, but sometimes when Im really close to her, I blush easily which isn't my thing to do, but thats what I do when Im with her....

ANYWAYS..... I was on top of her as she was below me... Our breath could probably be touching our face by now ... I leaned down and went to her lips and .....


"OWWWW!!" I said as I was on the floor, rubbing the pain off my butt.
"I'm soooo sorry, Taeng... I didnt mean to." Fany said
"D-D-Did I miss something??" My Appa asked as I shook my head when he opened the door
"Ok then.... Breakfast is ready... so come down when your ready." He said as he left.
"Taeng are you okay??" Fany asked with a worry face as I nodded
"Im fine." I said
"Ok." She said as she help me up.
"Lets go eat." I said as I nodded
Yoona's Pov

Im here watching Seohyun doing things on the computer until....


White flash into the air as it exploded.
"Seobaby... Do you think that was...."
"Yea...They finally did it." She said as the computer was busted.
"They finally used EMP..."Seohyun said as she looked outside the window.
We met up with the group and they all shouted out
"What was that white flash??"
"Whats going to happen to us??"
"Are we gonna die from that exploitation??"
Over and over again until
"QUIET!!!" Seobaby shouted as everyone stop talking
"That was an Electromagnetic pulse... meaning that every electronic equipment are damaged or disruptive to it... Thats why you cant use your phone and other stuff... Everything is dead."
"Its nice to know that you know that Seohyun.." Seobaby's Appa said as she nodded
"Now what??" Hyo asked
"We have to get out of here and go somewhere else." Seohyun said as they were all shocked
"But we been here for two days... Why cant we stay here more??" Soo asked
"The supplies, water, and etc with be gone if we stay here for so long. We need to move out." Seohyun said
"True, but what about everyone else thats here??" Sunny asked
"We'll have to leave them here and move somewhere away from here." Seohyun said
"Master!! Their here!!" One of the men said
"Close the gates." Mr. Hwang said as the gates were closed
"Put candles out." As the candles were on the yard and every else from outside.
"You 12 leave. We'll be here and meet you that place... Where??" Seohyun's Appa said
"The mall-"
"APPA!!" Seohyun shouted
"We'll be back.. Dont worry." He said as she nodded
"The mall right in Seoul??" Yuri's Appa as everyone nodded
"Okay.. We'll see you there. Hurry get in the car and leave.. We'll be right behind you." Taeyeon's Appa said as we all went to the car.
"Cya Later guys." Soo's Appa said as we all haad tears in our eyes.
"We'll survive and you guys will too. We'll see you on the other side." Fany's Appa said as we all nodded
We got in the truck/ motorcycle and drive to the city, while their still at the Hwang's mansion fighting off the zombies.

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