The Route

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Jessica's Pov

We all walked to the school route except commander Luhan and his group as we went on ahead. We pasted the school, pasted some houses and then the road where there's a lots of zombies. I don't know if we should go there or not, but if Yuri said so, then I'm coming with her... I told her that if we die together we die happy together. Anyways we are walking on the road full of zombies as a Air Force plane came and flyer above us making the zombies move to the left.. We got that opportunity to walk slowly as we walked pasted some zombies.. Then someone stepped on a twig or something at snap and made the zombies come at us. We ran for our lives as the soldiers were silently using their guns with a silencer and start shooting the zombies. We were almost out of the road which lead to another neighbor... We search all the houses which had no survivors except dead bodies in it. We clean the house up as we made it as our base.. Some soldiers went high up on the roof where they silently shot the zombies from high ground.

"We'll sleep for now.. As morning comes, we'll go out and search for more survivors here. Also if this is the end then let's go back." Appa said as we all nodded

We all went to sleep as some soldiers took turn watching over the zombies.

As morning came, we were walking for a very long time and there are no zombies on the other side of the neighborhood which led to the end of South Korea. We walked back to the small base as the soldiers shot the zombie from last night to make the highway empty.

"Glad to see you guys again." Commander Luhan said

"We searched everywhere else in this part, there's no survivors, just zombies... I guess we should head back and go back home." He said as Yoong was looking at the computer so see any survivors or anything.

"None, but zombies all over." Yoong said

"Let's head back home guys." Luhan said as we walked back to the ship.


After a couple of days, we ship to California's military base and stayed there.. Some survivors survive, some didn't. We searched every house, every building and nothing but 4 kids. As U.S. Sent out a helicopter to search from above and announced "if there any survivors, please go to the air port. Rescue team will be there.. I repeat rescue team with be there." Even though, it will attract zombies, they have to say it again over and over again. We stayed at the military base where they have rooms for us. I was lying on the bed, dead tired after I was pounced by sunny, Tiffany, Nicole and Krystal, I couldn't even hear anything anymore since they were screaming in my ears. But I still love them. I went under the covers as I heard the door open

"You sleeping Sica??" I heard Yul asked

"No." I said as I peek my head out

She sat on the edge on the bed and sooth out my hair as she said

"Many things have happened since the last few weeks and I can't believe that we're still alive." She said as I looked up at her

"Things from the past of us.. We shouldn't be separated, but I knew that someday, you would date me and use me just to date my friend.." Her voice cracks and then she took a deep breathe and said

"And I was right... Maybe I shouldn't be your friend or asked you out, but my heart still goes to you. Even you didn't even care about my feelings as you cling onto his arms.. It's like-- you moved on." She said as tears rolling down her cheeks. I sat up and going to wipe them,but she didn't let me

"Sometimes--- I think that people don't want us to be together." She said as that hurts me


"Stop it! Stop! Don't say anything anymore.. It's hurting me! Don't tell me to love someone else besides you. I know back then I wasn't right from using you and date him... I was wrong... But after this started, I started to have feelings for you again, as like my heart wanted you again when you protected me from the zombies. Please.. Don't leave me.. I lost one and I don't want to lose another." I said as I leaned my head on her back.

"I won't... I love you." She said

"I love you too." I said as she kissed my forehead

"Yah..." I said as I pouted as she chuckled and kissed me on the lips.

"Better??" She asked as I nodded


Taeyeon's dad's Pov

"We have to destroy all of South Korea." Commander Luhan said

"Why?!" Yeongwon said

"We, the U.S. cant risk anymore soldiers. We almost lost two." He said

"But they left my daughter and her girlfriend behind!" Henry said

"Mr. President was very sorry for that. But he needs to destroy it and let all the survivors from South Korea to stay here until the scientists go over there and check out that virus. Whether you like it or not, mr. president finds a way to save every country. Now if you will excuse me." He said as he walked away.

"Henry we can't let them do that." Ji said

"How is South Korea going to be same as last time??" Andy asked (Nicole's appa)

"What are we gonna do??" Max asked (Hyo's appa)

"I don't know.. All we can do is just watch them do their stuff." Henry said as we all went quiet


Yuri's Pov

We we watching tv as Taeng knocked on the door and came in.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a bit??" She asked as I nodded

"I'll be right back." I said as I got off of the bed and kissed Sica on the forehead and followed Taeng.

"What's up??" I asked

"I overheard our Appa's conversation with commander Luhan." She said


"The U.S. will send out scientists to South Korea to take a look of the zombie virus and then destroy South Korea and then rebuild it." She said

"Why would they destroy it for??" I asked

"Maybe to get rid of the virus."

"Maybe.. We don't know that for sure.. We'll have to wait for a bit and watch what the U.S. people do." I said as she nodded

"Ok. I'm going go.. See ya." Taeng said as she walked to her room.

I went inside as I looked at Sica. She was still watching tv, but her head keeps bobbing to the left and back up straight as she wants to go to sleep.

"Sica.." I said in a whisper as she looks at me

I went under the covers with her as she lied down on her side and I was on my side as well.

"Wanna do it??" I asked as she shook her head

"I'm... Sleepy... I ... Don't ... Want .... To...."

"Then I can make you into the mood." I said as I was on top of her.

"Don't you dare." She said as I went back on the bed and went to sleep

Hey guys.. I know it's been a looooong update.. I'm trying my best to update and my other stories. I'm making lots of one shot stories and I read my COTD story and I made lots of mistakes.. I'm probably will fox it after I'm done finishing it and yea... Hope you will look forward to my one shot stories and comment below.. Cya

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