South Korea pt.1

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Seohyun's Pov

After the night have past, morning came and soldiers were up and ready to be in battle. Me and Yoong look in the computer were we had look at all the cameras that we hacked in and watched and counted as how many zombies are there in total or an estimate... Yoong wrote o a piece of paper of all the roads where there's a lots of zombies and were there are small groups of zombies. After she gave it to them, we all went outside and some of the soldiers were in positions to cover where the zombies are coming from.
"Ok troops.. This is it.. We're going into the fields to kill them, zombies. Remember, don't make too much noise, it attracts them." Luhan said as they nodded
"Alright, group 2,4,6 and 8 you come with us. Group 1,3,5 and 7 stay here until we radio you to come." He said as they nodded
"Alright let's go." Yul's Appa said as he lead the way.
"Do you think we'll be ok being with them??" Yoong asked
"Yea.. Appa said we better come along.. He don't trust this soldiers here. " Yul said as she and Sica walked ahead of us.
"Let's go." I said as I grab her hand.
We were in the middle of the group, where all the troops were guarding us. We stop as we hit a small town.
"Wow.. This place got burnt to the ground." Yul whisper but I heard her.
Luhan told his men's to search and look for survivors. We waited and waited as there was nothing here but fire. We then continue on walking to the next place. We walked through neighborhoods, little towns and farms where they had small groups of zombies and still no survivors.
Yuri's Pov

We then lastly walked to the city, Seoul. We saw a lots of zombies there on Yoong's and Seobaby's computer. They were all over the place.
"We'll have to split in groups of 6 so group 2 will be with my daughter and her friend. Seohyun and Yoong with group 4. Me and commander will be with group 6 and the rest will be with group 8. Alright. Move out." Appa said as we all nodded
Me and my group walked on the far left. Others with on the other roads. As we were walking, we saw zombies coming slowly and then one soldier got scared and was shaking while pointing at the zombies.
"Don't shoot." I whispered as he didn't hear me and shoot one zombie on its head.
More was coming and coming as the gun shot was echoing
"Why did you shot!!" I said as we were running away from the zombies.
"I'm sorry." He said as I groaned
"Next time listen to me!" I said as he nodded
I then slid and stop running
"We'll have to kill them all." I said as the soldiers were in shocked
"Are you kidding?? There's so much out there and you want to fight them?!"
"Just risking m life for it." I said as I then run towards the zombies with Sica on my right, slicing their heads while Sica was shooting at them.. We fight and fight and fight until Sica was out of ammo..
"Yul..." She said as she was out.
"This is probably the end.." I said as I stop killing and the hug each other
"I love you." I said as I kiss her forehead
"I love you too."
We then kiss as zombies were closing in on us
Taeyeon's Pov

"I wonder what's happening on the other side. We been here for like one or two days. And their still not back yet." I said as sunny shook her head
"Would you be quiet for once.. Their gonna come back so wait. My god.. Why can't you just sit still and be quiet." Sunny said
"No." I said as I pouted
"Eww.. don't do that. Fany!!"
"Yea??" She asked
"Tell your girlfriend to sit still and stop talking and pouting.. It doesnt work on her.. It looks weird." Sunny said as Tiffany shock her head
"I think it's cute though." She said as sunny groaned and left the living room and went into her room leaving me and Fany in the living room
"I miss them." I said as I lied down on the couch with my head on Fany's lap.
"Me too." She said as she smooth out my hair
"Do you think they'll come back alive??" I asked her as she then hit me on my tummy.
"Don't say that! You'll probably jinx it, so don't say or think about it." She said as I nodded
"I love you.." I said as I tried to bring to mood up.
"No.." She said as she looked away.
"I love you."
"I looooooove you."
"Come on.. You know you love me too." I said as she shook her head and still looked away
I sigh and then said
"Look Fany, there's pink on the TV commercials." I said as I waited for her to look
I then gave her a peck on her lips as she turned. I looked at her to see if she changed her mind, but---
I made it even worst.. -_-\\ shit... Fuck me life... Let me die now before she does..
I then ran away from Fany as she was chasing me around the living room. We went in circles around the couches, around the dining table, and etc. until I then stop and turned around as I let her tackle me.
"Kim Taeyeon, you're--"
I then kiss her again, but more longer kiss.. It went to a sweet, lovable and passionate kiss.. She made a few moans here and there. She broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes and say
"Don't ever giving me an kiss that I wasn't ready for or I'll punish you." She said as I gulped when I was sure her punishments are really hurtful and mean..
I don't really like it.. I don't want it!!
"Be a good little girl and watch tv with me." She said as I nodded.
We sat down on the couch again and watched tv.
Yuri's Appa

I went back small base as there was nothing on this right side of the road that I was on. I saw two soldiers running back to base from the left.
"What wrong? Why are you running away??" I asked
"There's a lot of zombies coming this way.." One of the soldiers said
"There's two girls fighting them right now." The other one said
"Who?" I asked
"You're daughter and her friend." He said as I was shocked
"Why? Why did you leave them!?" I said as I ran towards to street, making me push them to find my daughter and Jessica.
"Yuri!!!! Jessica!!!! Yuri!!!! Jessica!!!" I said as the zombies heard me and was coming towards me
"Shit..." I said taking out my sword.
I'll have to make my way through. I thought as I begin to kill the zombies
I made my way through them... I still can't find Yuri and Jessica..
I kept on slicing them, but then my sword got stuck on one of the zombie's shoulder
"Shit.... Come out already." I said as I was struggling to get it out.
The sword finally came out, making me roll backwards and slid on my feet. I looked up and saw zombies coming closer and closer to me.
Shit! This is the end of me. I said to myself
But then I heard a gun shot. I looked back and saw Ji (seohyun's dad) as Jinwoo and Yeongwon grab me and dragged me back to the small base.
"Wait!! Yuri and Jessica is still there!!!" I shouted as I was struggling to be free.
"Stop! You know the would be in a safe place." Yeongwon said as we made it to base
"I can't just leave my daughter and her girlfriend there!! I need to save them!!" I said as I was about to run out there again, but Jinwoo and Yeongwon stop me from going.
"Get out of my way." I said as they just stand there
"MOVE!!" I said again as they still standing there, blocking my way.
"Just stop its not worth going back there." Jinwoo said
"Come on man." Yeongwon said
"Why should I give up?? Huh?? My daughter is out there with her girlfriend and you guys are telling me to stop going? No! I will never leave them behind. I'm going there whether you like it or not." I said as I moved past them, but then I heard
I looked back and saw my daughter and Jessica here safely. I ran towards them and hug them
"Don't ever scare me again! I was scared that you two have bitten by them. If you two were bitten by them, I wouldn't know what to do if you were gone." I said as I had tears in my eyes
"We managed to get to the base secretly. I don't know how but we did. Well first, we managed to get out of the zombie mobs and found a safety place for us to be and then ran back to the base since somebody made the noise and ran away." Yuri said as Jessica nodded
I wiped my tears and looked at the two soldiers that ran back to the base first without Yuri and Jessica
"You two have duties to make them safe than having you two to safety. You were supposed to help them get to safety and then you... Not you and then them. You two disappoint me.. Maybe you two should be here.. Go back to the big base and stay there and get group 1 to come here now ASAP!" I said as they nodded and grab their stuff and walked to the big base.
"I'm sorry special agent white for my soldiers to leave your daughter and her friend alone out there in the fields." Commander Luhan said
"Make sure the next group will protect my daughter and her friend." I said as I went in my little tent and sleep.
Jessica's Pov

Yul's dad is mad at group 2 for leaving us behind. I still can't believe we made it out of there alive, but I'm happy that me and Yul together alive. I went into our little tent and lied down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling and having flashbacks on the escape we did today.
"Are you okay??" I heard as I looked up and it was Yul
"Yea.. I'm just tired." I said as she walked closer to me and sat on the edge of the bed
"Sleep with me." I said as she smiled and lied down next to me
I cuddled in her arms, snuggling my head in the crook of her neck and inhale her scent, the one I love to smell.
"We could have got bitten back there." She said as I nodded
"Luckily we got out there alive though." I said as she nodded
"Do you remember what happened??" I asked as she nodded again
"Can you tell me??" I asked her and she sigh
"Are you sure??" She asked as I nodded

Yo!! Sorry for not updating... Kinda been lazy haha but yea... Lol no jk.. My computer Internet explorer is like messed up and not working, so I'll have to make my chapters on my phone and so yea.... I hope I can do this.. If the font of my story is messed up, I'll have to wait until I get a new computer and start updating as soon as I get one... So hope you guys love this chapter and I'll be making one soon since this is a cliff hanger haha later guys

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