A New Beginning

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Yuri's Pov

I woke up with a big booboo on my arm that Sica gave me.. And it hurts. She punched me soo hard, you couldn't image how hard she did and it hurts like hell! Anyways, I got up and brush my teeth. As I start brushing my teeth, Sica came in and I went out as I gave her, her space... I dont want to get anymore booboos. After a while, she came out and I went back in to rinse. I got done and changed my clothes. After that, I went out to see Taeng while I give more space and quiet time to Sica... Since I pissed her off last night. I saw Taeng looking at something.. I went up to her and asked

"What are you looking at?" As she jumped

"Dude! Dont scare me. Gosh." She said as I laughed

"Haha. Sorry. What are you doing??" I asked again

"Just looking." she said as I nod

"What about you?? What are you doing here??" She asked

"Well, I was looking for you as I give Sica some space to calm down... I kinda pissed her off last night." I said

"I see. Well, good luck." She said as she walked away and I followed

"What are we gonna do now?? Now that we're out of the fields??" Taeng asked

"I dont know... Whatever the U.S. is thinking of, we'll just have to sit on a chair and watch them do everything, cause they cant really stop the virus.. it can spread everywhere, to the north k, vietnam, Japan, Thai, Lao and other countries.." I said

"Yea.. We cant even do anything." She said

"Thats true.. It can spread really fast, like a blink in the eye." I said as we reached to the relaxing place.



After the time reach to 4:07pm, Appa told us that we will go the base that they told us on the boat. Stay there, look outside for the zombies and protect. We packed up everything and move to the car that Uncle Ji had and drove us there to the four base. As we got there, we were split into groups and stay there to live there. I was with my parents, Jessica, Krystal, amber and Seohyun on base 1, LA. Second base, Beach, Taeng, Fany, both parents and Yoong. Third, the Fresno, Sunny, Soo, their parents and Seohyun's parents. Last base, Chino, hyo, nic, their parents and Yoong"s parents.. We are now starting our new lives on the U.S. as what my appa said to us. I looked around the base as it was a tall building with only rooms at the top, stairs and elevator. I went into a room that I liked. I settled in my room as my door opened, revealing, Sica coming in. I put my luggage inside the closet as I tried to walk out the room until

"Stop running away from me!" I heard her say as I turned around as saw her crying

I went up to her and hug her.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just giving you space, so you can calm down because of what happened last night with you and me." I said as I wipe her tears

"Stop running away even if you get in trouble by me.. I still want you by my side always." She said as she snuggled on the crook of my neck.

"I will."


Taeng's Pov

"So far, so good. Nothing." I said as I was looking outside the window to see if anything zombie act happen.

"Can you stop looking out the window and cuddle with me." I heard Fany said as I walk towards her and sat next to her on the bed

"Do you think we'll be safe here?" She asked

"Well, we are the only ones here with our parents. So we'll be fine here."

"What happens if we get stuck up here?? what if they jump from another building and land into this building?? what if they came to the stairs and barge in the doors and bit us!!" Fany asked these questions

"Nothing will happen to us since were the only ones here with out parents and Yoong. There's nothing to worry about." I said as she nods

"Are you sure??" She asked as I nod

"Okay... I feel safe when Im with you, Taeng."

She then cuddle closer as I turn on the tv and start flipping channels.


Jessica's Pov

Me and Yul went out to buy some food to make for dinner, Yul took her bow and arrows with her just in case. People ask why she has it, she answers them

"This is just a cosplay.. I just wanna wear it cause its cool.. Dont worry, its not real."

When it really is real.

"So since we bought meats, drinks, vegatables, and other food, we should buy some more, just in case of that will come." Yul said as I nodded

We dropped off the food we bought to the base and went out to buy some more. We looked like a couple when we go out together, holding hands.



"When do you think this will end??

"I dont know."

"Being into this world is scary." I said

"I know... Im scared as well." She said as I stopped and look at her

She stopped too and turned around

"What?? Some people can be scared too, you know." She said as she pouted while I giggled at her and cling on her arm

"I know.." I said

We went to store to store to buy whatever we want to buy and then we back to the base.

"APPA!! WE'RE BACK!!" Yul shouted

"OK!!!" Yul's Appa shouted back

"Here, I'll bring these to the kitchen. You can go to the room and wait for me."

"But I wanna help." I said


We went to the kitchen and drop the food supplies and drinks in the kitchen and also put them away for Yul's Omma. We then finished and went to our bed room and lied on the bed to cuddle and snuggle together.

"What should we do tomorrow??" I asked as she shrugged

"I dont know... Get more supplies??"

"Do you really want to buy the whole store instead??" I asked as she nod

"The whole store would be useful." She said

"True, but the zombies might hear us from coming like in and out the store."

"OR we could camp there and then wipe out all the zombies that are outside the store." She said

"I dont know.. I think we should move to a different place from like population places." I said as she nods

"Yea.. We should go to a state where its less population and less noise." She said

Yea. We'll tell the others later, but for now, lets sleep. All the shopping and walking made me tired." I said as she chuckled

"Hahaha ok." She said as she hugged me closer to her and both of us has drifted to our dreamland.

HELLLLOOO!! Long update.. More will be coming tomorrow. Please look forward to it and if I dont update tomorrow, then on the next day after tomorrow. So yea. Updating soon. BYEEEEE!!!

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