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Writing music is always a bit messy! @pandaMia

And I got new drum sticks ! I'm so happy :p

I smiled publishing this. I'm not good at social media, so when it's me who do that, I'm kinda proud. But whatever.

My name is Katrina, I'm 22.

I'm told by the writer that I really need to improve my presentation skills. Meh.

So, I'm 22. I finished school 4 years ago and directly worked, as I already had my music degree. I'm a music teacher in a small town in the North of France, really not far from the Belgian border. I'm not French though. It's... complicated. That's for later.

All you need to know now is that: I'm a professional violinist, and the drummer of my band, Cosmotic. I know, it's a really bad name, we had nothing better, so it glued.

"Nice pic" said Artem. He was our bassist.

Actually, we were all in the studio. Well, our studio is a big room my parents built in the back of our garden. It was nearly invisible from the house. It was a bit like our secret place. My parents were not really okay with building a studio here, but I insisted so much they had no other choice.

"I know right?" I giggled. "Soon I'll be our professional photographer!"

"Well, before having a professional photographer," reminded Mia, the lead singer, "We should be a professional band."

"Well, I'm nearly finished with the 6th song." I said. "With 4 more, we can publish our first album. End of June is always a big rush, but we have all summer to work on these. And we have no due dates!"

"True." Agreed Mia. "For the 21st, we play this 6, and our single?" She asked, already taking notes on her small note book.

Artem and I agreed. Suddenly, I remembered that someone did not speak at all. I turned my head to the left, seeing Ezio sleeping, rolled up like a cat. When we all noticed, we couldn't help laughing. I looked at the clock, no wonder why; it's already 3p.m., and our Italian friend needed his nap. Well, I say nothing, for I go to bed really early.

"We should redo this line," said Mia. "I do not feel... Like, the bass and the drum are not really coming together, you see? It's like every one is separated."

"Yup, I feel that too." I nodded. "Oh, and I still need to work on this on the violin. I feel I can make this more powerful."

We continued working for a time. I loved that feeling of things coming together. We're not a great band yet, we only perform occasionally, when we can, but we love to do so. We even start being known in the town and in the region.

We're a bit more popular on the medias, mostly on YouTube for our first videos, which were covers. We started recently, only 1 year and a half ago. But we're mostly supported, I think, because of our origin.

Artem is Ukranian, he came to France a bit before the war started, on the 23rd of February 2022. He decided to stay, and make his mother and sisters come to France. His father had to stay to defend the country, but as far as we know, he's still alive.

Mia is half Spanish, half Dutch. Her parents work in Brussels, in the European Parliament. That's where we met, our mothers are from the same sector.

And as I said earlier, Ezio has Italian origins. His parents came here in the 90's. He was born and raised in France, but conserved his Italian's manners. That's really cool.

"Oh my gosh, we're nearly late!!" exclaimed Mia, looking at her phone. "We have to go, sorry Katrina!"

"No probs, see ya!"

Oh, I forgot to say, Mia and Artem are together. And right now, they had a family meeting, and she wanted to present him to her parents. I gestured crossing my fingers when they departed. With her father, it's not gonna be easy.

Ezio woke up with a start, looking everywhere around him.

"Wait, is it already 4?"


"O mio dio, my mother is gonna killing me!"

"Calm down, you're a full grown adult."

"You don't understand Italian family. If your mother tells you to be y her at 4, you have to be there at 3:30. Or you'll die!!!"

"Well, resquiescat in pace my friend." I laughed, seeing his horrified face.

I hope I'll get updated from that story! His mom is so fun, I love her! But he's always terrified when he speaks of her. That's kinda funny.

And now, I was alone. I decided to pick up my violin, and revised that damn concerto. I loved it, and at the same time I hated it. Oh my gosh, I'm never accepting solos again.


I took my French Oral exam yesterday, and I'm really happy with how it turned out (I was hella stressed) and the teacher was really  nice, so I hope for a really nice grade :))

I'm really happy to post this fic^^ As the previous, I don't have any clue of the ending, but it'll make its way, I swear!

For today I'll just post the 2 first chapters, I'll see for the rest. I did not have much time to write this week, but now, I'm officially and FINALLY in holidays, so I'm going to work on this as much as I can !!!

I hope you'll like it as much as me <333

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