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Katrina's Point of View

I had to go back to France. As the last time, the airport was really emotional. This time, it was me who left. It was so hard, every time, thinking that it's the last time in a long period you hug, kiss, hold each other.

Even if we texted in the plane, and we saw each other a few hours before, I already missed him deeply. His touch, his embrace, his hand taking mine. God why I must suffer like this just to love?

It was Ezio who came to the airport to pick me up. I must really look bad, cause he said nothing and just hugged me. Sometimes I would sob, and I would answer shortly to everything he asked me, even if I tried to be the happiest possible.

A few days passed. The pain was still there, of course, but it was now in the background of my mind. We had so much to do right now. I was a bit overwhelmed, to be honest. The album is about to be released, I have to do the accountancy and see with our agent for our concerts during fall. It is crazy. On the other hand, Mia was with Sophie to edit the clip (which we hope is now nearly finished) and entertain our social media while Artem and Ezio took care of Luna, in the same time arranging our new logo with our designer.

It was pretty late in the night, when I received a call. My face literally lightened up when I saw the heart emoji appear.

"Živjo dragi !" I waved at the screen. He waved back, with a happy smile. I swear this can give me energy for 2 days straight.

"You're not in bed?" He was really surprised. "You would be sleeping for hours normally!" I giggled. He knew me too well.

"Well normally yes, but you now with the album coming out tomorrow, we have so many things to do!" He nodded, totally understanding. Joker Out has already released 2 albums. I can't imagine all the work; well in fact now I do. "I'm still doing accountancy right now. I hate math tho. Couldn't Jan help me?" I really hoped he could.

"You really want to give that charge to Jan?" Kris giggled. "Well he would accept, but he would do it in minimum 6 months," he laughed. He received a pillow in his face.

"Oh hello Jan!"

"Hi sweetie," I could see Jan, upside down. He had his sunglasses on, like usual. Another pillow flew through the room. The cam moved like there was an earthquake, until I saw Bojan's face.

"Hi Bo-"

"YOU'VE STARTED A WAR!!" he yelled, and then falling on the ground, Kris's phone rolled on the ground. I could hear sort of war cries, which, when you could see nothing and only hear, was terrifying.

"hi? Guys? You're still alive?"

"Barely," Nace took up the phone. He had his glasses on, but he had to put it right again, I imagine that they were pushed by a pillow. "Seriously, that's maybe the first time I see Jan moving fast." Nace dodged another pillow. Nace reversed the cam, so I could the mess 'I' created.

"Why is Jure... Nevermind, I don't want to know." I smiled in a sorry face to Nace. "Sorry, I didn't want to annoy you right now. Maybe I can call you tomorrow?"

"No no no Katrina stay here!" Kris exclaimed, jumping to grab the phone.

"In fact we needed you!" Said Bojan, appearing from the bottom of the screen. I could only see his forehead and his eyes, like he was hiding behind a wall.

"A fan asked us who is the hottest in the band, because they could not decide." Explained Jan.

"This need to be solved quickly for our well-being," added Jure.

"And you decided to ask me?"

"Yes!" they exclaimed all together, and then laughed of their simultaneity.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now