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We were sitting around the table, eating breakfast together. They had to wake up early because the nurse came to change their plaster. Seeing their face, I think they were not really happy with it. Still at least a month doing it. They sighed when I said that.

"What are you guys doing after this?" I asked, putting on butter on my baguette.

"What do you mean?" Asked Bojan, confused.

"I mean, you probably have things planned, no?"

"Oh yeah, we need to be back in Slovenia for the 15th July, I think?" said the lead singer. Kris confirmed. I quickly realised that he was the most organised of the team, and everyone counted on him for this part.

"That means you still have plenty of time to visit!" I exclaimed with a smile.

"Yeah, we still want to see Paris," Jure agreed.

"Oh, I can see to find train ticket for you guys," I offered.

"You come with us!" Exclaimed Kris. Nace nodded.

"We need a guide," the bassist said. "We get lost too easily! And you know good places!"

"Okay then, I'll see when we can do that!" I smiled happily. I was really happy they wanted to include me, even in their holidays.


We were at the hospital, again. Kris had to do more exam, and an MRI. He asked me to come with him, instead of one of the boys. I did not understand why, but I did question his choice, and to be honest, I was kinda happy about it.

Pushing him around the hospital, in the labyrinth of corridors, we finally arrived in the good department. We went to the office.

"Bonjour!" the secretary said with a happy smile. It was nice to see a doctor having a big smile for once.

"Bonjour, c'est pour une IRM," I said (Hello, we come for and MRI).

"Oui! Un nom s'il vous plait?" (Yes, a name please?)

"Kris Guštin » He said. He really was a quick learner.

"Okay... J'ai besoin d'une pièce d'identité, carte vitale et mutuelle," she said, checking her computer screen.

"She says she needs an ID, and your health insurance card," I translated. He pulled out from his wallet his ID card and the health insurance.

"Je vais devoir faire un nouveau dossier comme il n'est pas français," she explained. (I'll need to create a new file for him as he's not French.)

"Ça change quelque chose pour nous?" (Does it change something for us?)

"Il devra envoyer quelques papiers à son assurance pour que son dossier soit mis à jour en Slovénie, mais sinon non," she smiled. (He'll need to send some administrative papers to his insurance so his file will be updated in Slovenia, but it does not change anything for you.)

I quickly translated and he nodded silently. The secretary handed me some papers to complete.

"Okay so... Surname, name, height and weight," I explained while he completed everything. I appreciated seeing his quick yet neat handwriting. It was beautiful; I'd appreciate seeing a whole text written by him, just for the aesthetic. I translated and he completed every question.

"What is this one? You didn't translate it," ha said, pointing one question.

"Oh," I chuckled, "It asks if your pregnant! Unless you didn't tell me something important, I assumed that you're not!" I smiled.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now