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I woke up at dawn. I was soon joined by Amalia in the kitchen, and we drank our morning coffee together. I was looking at Amalia. She grew during this year. As much physically than mentally. When I see her sitting on her chair, she has the position of a dancer and the carriage of the head of a queen. Her blond hair was nearly always tied in tight bun; she always put on some make up, but she looked really natural. She looked like a literal goddess. No wonder why Jure couldn't look away from her, yesterday.

"Was machst du?" (What are you doing?). Amalia always has been more confident speaking in German than any other language, even if she knew Dutch and English of course. French was still hard for her, but she gets better day by day. Our mother raised us differently, she would only speak in Dutch with me and in German with her, so when we were young it was not really easy to understand each other, cause our English was not as developed as now.

"Ich fülle diese Tasche mit Getränken und nützlichen Dingen für den Tag" (I'm filling this bag with drinks and useful things for the day). I answered. When it's hot in Paris, I always feel like I can't breathe correctly. Maybe I'm too used to country side, or it's just too polluted.

"This is too early," I heard a voice behind me. I turned over with a smile on my face.

"Hi Kris, sorry, I didn't want to wake you now," I excused. I saw my sister sending me an astonished look. I made a small sign.

"No worry," he said in a sleepy voice. "I still can have coffee?"

I smiled and handed him a cup of coffee. He nearly fell asleep on the table, only to be waken again by Amalia, who dropped her cup.

"Scheiße!" she exclaimed with an angry tone.

"Don't worry, I take care of that. You go wake up the boys?" I reassured. Amalia offered me a small sorry smile, and went upstairs.

"You really love her." Said Kris. It did not sound like a question, but more like an affirmation.

"I couldn't live without her. I'm still not believing that in two months, I'll be alone in this big house."

"Have you ever been in Slovenia? It's a beautiful country you know."

"I can't wait to discover it!" I smiled.

Ten minutes later, Amalia came back with four zombie guys. Literally, I've never seen them looking so exhausted.

"We're clearly not morning people," moaned Bojan, his head lying on the table.

"Come on guys, you'll sleep in the car!"

I helped Kris climbing into the car and put his wheelchair in the boot (it's pliable so it takes not much place, really useful I swear). The boys and Amalia got behind us. It was a fun car my parents arranged themselves years ago, where there were six sits behind, 3 face the other 3. It was nice for groups.

They chatted a bit, but when we were on the highway, I saw everyone sleeping in the rear-view mirror. Important points to notice: Bojan was nearly entirely lying on Nace, Jan had his sleeping-panda-mask on and Jure had his head lying on Amalia's.

"That deserves photos," said Kris, turning with his phone.

Kris and I chatted bit while I was driving. He described me his house and his home town, his family. He seemed really close from his parents, as much as his siblings. It seemed to be a really nice family.

"I'm sure my mother will love you," he said with a smile.

"From what you say she looks like a really sweet woman," I smiled, "I can't wait to meet her. Hey look, we can already see the Eiffel Tower from here!"

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now